Victorian Artists and their World 1844-1861

Victorian Artists and their World 1844-1861

As reflected in the papers of Joanna and George Boyce and Henry Wells

Herrington, Katie J T

Boydell & Brewer Ltd






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List of Contributors

Katie J. T. Herrington

1. 'Fabrics of Enchantment': Artist travellers in mid-nineteenth-century Europe - Sue Bradbury
2. Opening young minds to art and knowledge: art training in mid-century London and Paris - Matthew Potter
3. From 'a nibble' to 'golden guineas': The British art market 1850-61 - Alicia Hughes
4. Paint and painting: The virtues and trials of practices exchanged by word of mouth - Joyce Townsend
5. Joanna Mary Boyce: In her own time - Pamela Gerrish Nunn
6. Joanna Mary Boyce: Beyond Pre-Raphaelitism - Katie J T Herrington
7. A Critical Career: Joanna Mary Boyce's Art Writings - Meaghan Clarke
8. George Price Boyce: A Unique Vision - Christiana Payne
9. George Price Boyce: Art Collector - Glenda Youde
10. Henry Tanworth Wells: Miniaturist and portrait painter of distinction -Katie J T Herrington, Louise Cooling and Alicia Hughes with contributions by Sue Bradbury and Mark Pomeroy

List of illustrations
nineteenth-century; art world; The Boyce Papers; women's studies; nineteenth-century history; Academic Painting; watercolour practices; Pre-Raphaelite landscape painting; modernity; artistic training; patronage