Trauma and Grief Assessment and Intervention

Trauma and Grief Assessment and Intervention

Building on Strengths

Garcia, Renee Bradford; Pomeroy, Elizabeth C.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Understanding Grief and Loss - An Introduction 2. Grief and Trauma: A Complex Convergence 3. Expected and Traumatic Grief Interviewing and Assessment: Using the Strengths-Based Framework of Grief and Loss 4. Expected and Traumatic Grief in Adults 5. Expected and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents 6. Expected and Traumatic Grief in Older Adults 7. Grief Reactions and Special Populations 8. Practice Implications for the Professional
Traumatic Grief;Grief Reactions;Trauma treatment;Bereaved;trauma skills;Grief Assessment;Grief Experience;Complex Grief;trauma and grief;Assumptive Worldviews;grief intervention;CB;trauma and grief in adults;Young Man;trauma and grief in children;Grief Process;trauma and grief in adolescents;CGT;Grief and Loss;Secondary Losses;Grief Counseling;Pastoral Counseling;Environmental Strengths;Mental Health Practice;PCBD;DSM 5;Traumatic Grief Reactions;DSM V;Mourner's Ability;Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families;Intake Information;Mental Health Nursing;Ambiguous Loss;LGBTQ Population;Vicarious Resilience;Perinatal Loss;Pet Loss;AG;Bereaved Parents