Toxic and Intoxicating Oil

Toxic and Intoxicating Oil

Discovery, Resistance, and Justice in Aotearoa New Zealand

Widener, Patricia

Rutgers University Press






15 a 20 dias


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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Which Way Aotearoa New Zealand?
Kia Ora: Welcome to the Bottom of the World
Becoming another Oil Story
A Social Analysis of Oil Advocacy & Resistance
Chapter 2: An Allied Ethnography
Critical Place
Ethical Comparisons
Banking Time
Chapter 3: Dominant & Critical Oil Narratives
Three Flows of Oil
New Zealand's O&G History
Dominant Oil Paradigm
Critical Oil Paradigm
Chapter 4: Oil at the Bottom of the World
Cultural Capture & Conflict
Regulatory Capture & Toxic Alliances
Accommodating Extraction: Then & Now
Preserving Cultural or Capital Taonga?
Chapter 5: License to Criticize: From Disasters to Resistance
Routinization of Violence
Oil Promises, Human Losses
Rena: An Oil & Cargo Spill
"A Little Government Waits"
Sweat Equity, 8000-Strong
Distinctly Maori
National Resistance: Now-or-never Focusing Events
Illusions of Recovery & Safety
Chapter 6: Marine Justice: Defending the Seas, Claiming the Coastline
Coastal & Saltwater Sociology
A Harbinger: Punching beyond the Shoreline
Maori vs Petrobras
The "Dodgy Bullshit" of Anadarko
Greenpeace: An Ideal Type of Resistance
Kaikoura: Kaitiaki & Whale-watching
Otago's Natural Gas & Divided Alliances
Marine Justice: Whose Ocean? Our Ocean?
Chapter 7: Mobilizing the Middle: Ka Nui! "No Mining, No Drilling, No Fracking, Enough!"
Unconventional Technologies, Controversial Impacts
Rousing the Middle
"Their Truth:" Global Flow of Citizen Knowledge
From Taranaki, with Intent
Problematizing Taranaki
Enabling a Sacrifice
Chapter 8: Tainting a Clean, Green Image
Pure Products, Green Jobs
Generational Pride, Ecocultural Consciousness
Realism or a "Green Mirage"?
Greenies Silenced by Association
Hypocrite Drivers
"Feeling a Bit Under Siege"
Aotearoa Justice
Chapter 9: Oil: Catalyst for Reviving Climate Activism
Inverse Accounting
"The Failure of the World"
Re-energizing the Frontlines
"Bubbling Away Underneath"
Bind of a Spill
Struggle to Localize Impacts
Intergenerational Worry
Chasing Global Justice
Chapter 10: Disrupting Oil for Transformative Justice
Applying Critical Environmental Justice
Advancing Just Transitions
About the Author
New Zealand; Aotearoa New Zealand; climate activist; environmental activist; environment; oil; oil disaster; anti-drilling rallies; climate action; low carbon society; oil spill; hydraulic fracturing; offshore exploration; climate fears; socioecological activists; planet earth; ocean; beaches; Toxic; aquatic species; ecosystems; terrestrial; climate-altering pollution; fossil fuel; sustainable; ecologies; energy sources; oil resistance; anti-drilling activists; gas; Aotearoa; cargo spill; Environmental Justice; Distinctly Maori; coastline; mining; fracking; climate change; Green Mirage; ecocultural