Theatre, Magic and Philosophy

Theatre, Magic and Philosophy

William Shakespeare, John Dee and the Italian Legacy

Horvath, Gabriela agnea

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part I: Conceptual Framework and Historical Insights

1. Perennial Philosophy

2. The Theatre and the World

3. Magic

4. Common Features in an Interface with Religion

Part II: God, Man, Nature and the Arts

5. Worlds in Motion and the Domain of Nature

6. What a Piece of Work is Man!

7. Art as Imitatio Dei

Part III: The Sense of Wonder

8. Wonders and Cultures

9. A Poetics of Wonder

10. The Marvelous in Theatre

11. Dr Dee as Wonder Master

12. The Charmed Magician

Part IV: Vision and Spirits

13. Visual Turbulence

14. Vis imaginativa and Unsettled Fancy

15. Spiritual Beings

16. The Spirits and the Mind

Part V: The Power of Words

17. Renaissance, Reformation and Languages of Power

18. Lingua et Vox Angelica

19. What's in a Name?

Propaedeumata Aphoristica;Reginald Scot's Discoverie;Mathematicall Praeface;Ars Inventiva;Perennial Philosophy;Monas Hieroglyphica;Mathematicall Preface;Midsummer Night's Dream;Scrying Sessions;Vice Versa;Ars Combinatoria;Theologia Platonica;Unsettled Fancy;Horace's Ars Poetica;Weird Sisters;Imitatio Dei;Book III;Theatrum Philosophicum;Ars Notoria;Enochian Language;Jewish Cabala;Divine Archetypes;Florentine Philosophy;Girolamo Cardano;Ancient Greece