Shamaness in Asia

Shamaness in Asia

Gender, Religion and the State

Torri, Davide; Roche, Sophie

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1 The Shamaness at the threshold: gender, religions and the state in Asia-Sophie Roche and Davide Torri; 2 The Shamaness' New Clothes. On the Qualities of Resisting Bodies-Davide Torri; 3 Shamanesses High and Low : Gender-based relationships to spiritual entities in Siberia-Roberte Hamayon; 4 Retrospectives: What I got wrong in my first book-Laurel Kendall; 5 Shamanism and Gender (In)equality in South and South-east Asia: The Chepang of Nepal and the Semang-Negrito of Peninsular Malaysia-Diana Riboli; 6 Shamans, Islam and the State Medical Policy in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan-Danuta Penkala-Gawecka; 7 From Clanic Shamaness to Burkhanist Messenger Transformations of Religious Roles of Altaian Women (19th-21st centuries)-Clement Jacquemoud; 8 "Let me take your pain away": Female Shamanism in Central Asian soundscape-Razia Sultanova;9 Female Shamanhood in the Southern Siberia at the Turn of Millennium: A Revival of an Ancient Archetype, Modernization or Declining of "Traditional" Shamanism?-Galina B. Sychenko; 10 Women's sociability: The qalandar khona of Khujand (Tajikistan) in the context of political events-Sophie Roche; 11 Shamanism and gender construction among the Kavalan of Taiwan: Men and women's illness caused by different spirits-Pi-chen Liu; 12 Mirroring Values in Possession Ritual: A Biographic-Narrative Study of Female Participants in the Zar Ritual in the Hormozgan Province of Iran-Maryam Abbasi; 13 Shamanism in Mongolia: Women, Mother-Earth and the World-Laetitia Merli
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Ulaan Baatar;Young Man;South Asia;Horse Woman;religions;Female Shamans;shamanism;Roberte Hamayon;shamanic complexes;Male Shamans;gender studies;Mouth Harp;Possessed Person;Women's Gatherings;Male Machi;Altai Republic;Kavalan People;Gender Egalitarianism;Biographic Narrative Interviews;Renewal Ritual;Altaian Shamanism;Southern Siberia;Salafi Views;Orang Asli;Birch Branches;National Park Taman Negara;Women's Religious Practices;Traditional Korean House;Raw Heart;Kutadgu Bilig