Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development

Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development

Lantolf, James P.; Swain, Merrill; Poehner, Matthew E.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner, and Merrill Swain


Sociocultural Theory Concepts and Principles

Mediation and Internalization: Conceptual Analysis and Practical Applications
Alex Kozulin

Zones of Proximal Development: Mundane and Magical
Lois Holzman

Essential Aspects of Vygotsky's Theoretical Framework and Methodological Approach Revealed in His Analysis of Unit(ies)
Holbrook Mahn

Vygotsky on the Consciousness and the Application to Second Language Development
Steven G. McCafferty

Understanding Development Through the Perezhivanie of Learning
Nikolai Veresov and Nelson Mok

Acquisition of Scientific Concepts as the Content of School Instruction
Yuriy Karpov


Second Languages, the Brain, and Thinking

Neuropsychology of Bilingualism
Monica Rosselli and Alfredo Ardila

Inner Speech and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning
Anke Werani

Private and Inner Speech in L2 Learning: The Impact of Vygotskyan Sociocultural Theory
Maria C. M. de Guerrero

Gesture as a Window Onto Conceptualization in Second Language Acquisition:
A Vygotskian Perspective

Gale Stam


Concept-Based Instruction

Concept-Based Instruction: Investigating the Role of Conscious Conceptual Manipulation in L2 Development
Prospero Garcia

Concept-Based Instruction of Chinese as a Second Language
Jie Zhang and Xian Zhang

Concept-Based Pragmatics Instruction: Principles and Applications
Remi A. van Compernolle

Mediated Development: Promoting Learner Internalization of L2 Concepts through Cognitive-Process Focused Activities
Paolo Infante


Dynamic Assessment

Probing and Provoking L2 Development: The Object of Mediation in Dynamic
Assessment and Mediated Development

Matthew E. Poehner

Understanding Learner L2 Development Through Reciprocity
Rumia Ableeva

Mediator and Learner Engagement in Co-Regulated Inter-Psychological Activity
Kristin J. Davin

Employing Dynamic Assessment to Enhance Agency Among L2 Learners
Tziona Levi and Matthew E. Poehner

Dynamic Diagnosis of Second Language Abilities
Marta Anton

Dynamic Assessment of Children Learning a Second Language
Elizabeth D. Pena and Kai J. Greene


Literacy and Content-Based Language Teaching

Understanding L2 Writers "At-Risk": A Socio-Cultural Perspective
Robert Kohls

English for Specific Purposes: Engineers Learning How to Mean in English
Penny Kinnear

A Sociocultural Approach to Second Language Literacy Pedagogy
Kimberly Buescher


Sociocultural Theory and Technology

Collaborative Activity in the Digital World
Gabriela Adela Ganem-Gutierrez

Exploring the Interdisciplinary Synergy Between Sociocultural Theory and Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Haiyang Ai and Xiaofei Lu

The Integration of ELF and Sociocultural Theory via Network-Based Language Teaching: Best Practices for the English Classroom
Enrico Grazzi


Teacher Education

Making L2 Teacher Education Matter Through Vygotskian-Inspired Pedagogy and Research
Karen E. Johnson and Paula R. Golombek

History-in-Person: Ontogenesis and the Professional Formation of Language Teachers
Richard Donato and Kristin J. Davin

Gesture as a Mediational Tool in the L2 classroom
Tetyana Smotrova

Concept-Based Instruction in Teacher Education Programs in Spain as Illustrated by the SCOBA-Mediated Barcelona Formative Model: Helping Teachers to Become Transformative Practitioners
Olga Esteve Ruesca

Applying Sociocultural Theory to Prepare Teachers to Work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students and Families
Ana Christina da Silva Iddings


Sociocultural Theory and Social Change

Sociocultural Theory as Everyday Practice: The Challenge of PK-12 Teacher Preparation for Multilingual and Multicultural Learners
Annela Teemant

Inclusion, "Defectology," and Second Language Learners
Peter Smagorinsky

Trends Within Sociocultural Theory, and the Utility of "Cultural Capital" for SCT

Carl Ratner
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning;DA;learner;ZPD Activity;dynamic;SCT;assessment;Van Compernolle;zpd;L2 Learner;activity;SCT Perspective;van;L2 DA;compernolle;CBI;private;Private Speech;Promote Learner Development;sti;ICALL System;Matthew E. Poehner;Systemic Theoretical Instruction;Merrill Swain;Computerize DA;Alex Kozulin;Mediator Learner Interaction;Lois Holzman;SCOBA;Holbrook Mahn;L2 Writer;Steven G. McCafferty;DA Session;Nikolai Veresov;Professional Development;Nelson Mok;DA Procedure;Yuriy V. Karpov;L2 Teacher Education;Mnica Rosselli;Spontaneous Concepts;Alfredo Ardila;Higher Mental Functions;Anke Werani;Mediational Tool;Maria C. M. de Guerrero;Mediated Learning Experience;Gale Stam;Prspero N. Garcia;Jie Zhang;Xian Zhang;Remi A. van Compernolle;Paolo Infante;Rumia Ableeva;Kristin J. Davin;Tziona Levi;Marta Antn;Elizabeth D. Pena;Kai J. Greene;Robert Kohls;Penny Kinnear;Kimberly Buescher;Gabriela Adela Gm-Gutierrez;Haiyang Ai;Xiaofei Lu;Enrico Grazzi;Karen E. Johnson;Paula R. Golombek;Richard Donato;Tetyana Smotrova;Olga Esteve Ruesca;Ana Christina da Silva Iddings;Annela Teemant;Peter Smagorinsky;Carl Ratner