Routledge Companion to Applied Performance

Routledge Companion to Applied Performance

Volume One - Mainland Europe, North and Latin America, Southern Africa, and Australia and New Zealand

Breed, Ananda; Prentki, Tim

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction to Volume One; Part I: Australia and New Zealand; Introduction to Part I: 'Considering the ethics of representation in applied theatre'. - Helen Cahill & Peter O'Connor; Chapter 1: 'Identifying and understanding the notion of quality within an applied theatre project designed to playfully engage people living with dementia'. Julie Dunn & Michael Balfour; Chapter 2: 'Repairing the evil: Staging Puppet Antigone (2017) at Auckland Prison'. - Rand Hazou; Chapter 3: 'Taurima Vibes: Economies of manaakitanga and care in Aotearoa New Zealand'. - Molly Mullen & Boni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho; Chapter 4: 'Small acts at the margins: Making theatre work at cross-cultural intersections'. - Linden Wilkinson; Chapter 5: 'The art of listening in prison: Creating radio drama with incarcerated women'. - Sarah Woodland; Part II: The Balkans; Introduction to Part II and III: 'Memory, identity, and the (ab)use of representation'. - Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta & Darko Lukic; Chapter 6: 'Performing the otherness: Representation of the invisible communities in post-conflict and post-communist societies: Croatian example'. - Darko Lukic; Chapter 7: 'The bridge to hope: Applied theatre in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina'. - Sead Dulic; Chapter 8: 'Theatre against violence, action in classrooms'. - Ines Skuflic Horvat, Maja Sviben, & Nina Horvat; Chapter 9: Interview with Vladimir Krusic: Theatre and drama in education. - Darko Lukic; Chapter 10: 'In search of polyphonic concepts of participatory theatre and art for social change: Almost half a century of engagement'. - Ljubica Beljanski-Ristic; Chapter 11: 'Giving voice to the voiceless: Raising awareness and spurring debate on the Homeland War (1991-1995) in Croatian theatre'. - Nikolina Zidek; Part III: North America; Chapter 12: 'Examining the ethics of research-based theatre through Contact! Unload'. - George Belliveau, Susan Cox, Jennica Nichols, Graham W. Lea & Christopher Cook; Chapter 13: 'We Are Here: Gylphing a re-creation story through waterways, bloodlines and constellations'. - Jill Carter; Chapter 14: Applied performance practices of therapeutic clowns: A curated conversation with Helen Donnelly. - Julia Gray, Jenny Setchell, & Helen Donnelly; Chapter 15: 'Playback Theater conductor as ritual guide: The artful and sensitive job of extracting personal stories'. - Hannah Fox; Chapter 16: 'Theatre to address social justice issues with gatekeepers in Canada'. - Lauren Jerke & Warwick Dobson; Chapter 17: 'Tensions of engagement: Oscillating between distance and implication'. - Yasmine Kandil; Chapter 18: 'Questioning social justice: A dialogue on performance, activism and being in-between'. - Asif Majid & Elena Velasco; Chapter 19: 'Timely homecomings'. - Carrie MacLeod; Chapter 20: 'The arrivals legacy process: Reviving Ancestral stories of recovery and return'. - Diane Roberts; Chapter 21: 'Applying Hamilton' - Hana Worthen; Part IV: Latin America; Introduction to Part IV: Applied performance in Latin America. - Paloma Carpio & Rodrigo Benza; Chapter 22: 'The body, women, and performance art in Latin America'. - Josefina Alcazar; Chapter 23: 'Dance as a tool for the construction of peace and identity'. - Ana Carolina Avila; Chapter 24: 'We play as we mean to resist: Theatre games as political participation'. - Matthew Elliott; Chapter 25: 'Communal living culture: From the many to the few, from the few to the many'. - Ivan Nogales & Paloma Carpio; Chapter 26: 'Latent conflict or latency in conflict: The liminal space between art actions and the Chilean civic-military dictatorship'. - Andres Grumann Soelter & Francisco Gonzales Castro; Chapter 27: 'The community and its Gaze: Argentine community theater'. - Edith Scher; Chapter 28: 'Three community experiences and a resignation' - Rafael Murillo Selva; Part V: Southern Africa; Introduction to Part V: Applied performance in Southern Africa - Alexandra Sutherland; Chapter 29: 'Romio ndi Julieti (Romeo and Juliet): Chichewa language production of a serious drama'. - Amy Bonsall; Chapter 30: 'Rituals (2010) as a counter narrative of healing and reconciliation in Zimbabwe'. - Kelvin Chikonzo & Ruth Makumbirofa; Chapter 31: 'Dear Mr Government'. - Jessica Lejowa, Bongile Lecoge-Zulu and Cherae; Halley; Chapter 32: 'Applied performance as a space to address issues affecting girls and young women in Zimbabwe: A case study of Rachel 19'. - Cletus Moyo & Nkululeko Sibanda; Chapter 33: 'Applied arts in business contexts: Selling out to the oppressor or doing transformational work?' - Petro Janse van Vuuren; Part VI: Western Europe; Introduction to Part VI: 'Care for the Open: intercultural challenges and transcultural potential of applied performances in Western Europe'. - Julius Heinicke; Chapter 34: 'Realistic art and the creation of artistic truth'. - Rolf Bossart; Chapter 35: 'Artistic creation and participation in Portugal and Brazil: The urgencies of today'. - Hugo Cruz; Chapter 36: 'Core of Nordic applied theatre: Challenges in a subarctic area'. - Riike Guergens Gjaerum; Chapter 37: 'Youth transformation in search of freedom'. - Maria Kwiatek; Chapter 38: 'Legami in spazi aperti (Bonds in Open Spaces)'. - Giulia Innocenti Malini; Chapter 39: 'Exploring dramaturgy in participatory refugee theatre as a dialogical art practice: Dialogical tensions in a temporary relational playground'. - Sofie de Smet, Lucia De Haene, Cecile Rousseau, & Christel Stalpaert; Chapter 40: 'The right artistic solution is just the beginning'. - Lene Thiesen
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Applied Theatre;Young Men;Theatre in Education;Applied Performance;Follow;Drama in Education;Applied Theatre Projects;Community;Applied Performance Practices;Social;North;Aesthetics;Held;Ethics;Applied Theatre Practice;Theatre for Development;Dialogical Artistic Practice;Global;Toured;Transnational;Public Administration;Cyberformance;Moyo;Intermedial;Applied Theatre Work;Impact;Vice Versa;Southern Africa;Applied Theatre Artists;Post-conflict society;Playback;Cultural anthropologists;Playback Theatre;Common Language;Forum Theatre;Therapeutic Clown;Violate;Wo;Janse Van Vuuren;Croatian National Theatre