Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety

Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety

Historical and Emerging Trends

Sanders, Karin; Lansbury, Russell; Gregson, Sarah; Sheldon, Peter

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Michael Quinlan - intellectual journey of a scholar, teacher and policy expert 2. Rebellious Workers: Insubordination and democratic mobilisation in Australia in the 1910s 3. The West Gate Bridge Collapse: How disaster happens 4. Economic liberalisation of road freight transport in the EU and the USA 5. Precarious employment and the regulation of occupational health and safety: Prevention, compensation and return to work 6. Protecting 'gig economy' workers through regulatory innovation: Controlling contract networks within digital networks 7. Representing workers on safety and health: the current challenge? 8. Prosecutions under the Australian Work Health and Safety Acts: New sanctions, old approaches 9.Postscript: Inequality, deprivation/resistance and building a sustainable society
Oh Management;OSH Regulation;Occupational Health and Safety;Oh Risk;Labour Markets;Supply Chain Regulation;Government Regulation;OSH Policy;Industrial Relations;Oh Outcome;workplace health and safety;EU Member State;human resource management;OSH Management System;regulation;Freeman Fox;labour market dynamics;Platform Controllers;management strategies;Contract Networks;West Gate;Road Freight Transport;Good Behaviour Bonds;OSH Matter;West Gate Bridge;Model Work Health;Network Governance Structures;Precarious Employment;Enforceable Legal Obligations;Labour Hire;Road Transport Businesses;INSPQ;Labour Hire Agency;Motor Carrier