Patient Factor

Patient Factor

Theories and Methods for Patient Ergonomics

Holden, Richard J.; Valdez, Rupa S.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1.Patient Ergonomics: The Science (and Engineering) of Patient Work

2.Cognitive Patient Ergonomics: Application of Cognitive Theories to Patient Work

3.Physical Patient Ergonomics: Understanding and Supporting Physical Aspects of Patient Work

4.Macroergonomics of Patient Work: Engaging Patients in Improving Sociotechnical Context of their Work

5.Consumer Health Information Technology: Integrating Ergonomics into Design, Implementation, and Use

6.Patient-Professional Communication

7.Human Factors and Patient Self-Care

8.Patient Engagement in Safety: Patients are the Ultimate Stakeholders

9.Field Methods for Patient Ergonomics: Interviews, Focus groups, Surveys, and Observations

10.Design and Usability Methods: Agile Innovation and Evaluation of Interventions for Patients and Families

11.Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Experimental Studies in Patient Ergonomics Research

12.Emerging Methods for Patient Ergonomics

13.Enhancing Patient Ergonomics with Patient and Public Involvement in Research Projects

14.Applying Human Factors and Ergonomics to Study and Improve Patient Work: Key Takeaways and Next Steps
HFE;Cognative Ergonomics;Patient Work;Organizational Ergonomics;Informal Caregivers;User-Centered Design;Patient Portals;Consumer Health IT;PHRs;Self-Care Management;Patient Professional Communication;Health Behavior;Patient Engagement;Patient ergonomics;Support Patient Self-management;Health care;Health Informatics;Patient-professional communication;Medication Adherence;Patient factor;Distributed Cognition Approaches;Healthcare delivery organizations;Patient Safety;Face To Face;Distributed Cognition Theories;Physical Ergonomics;Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices;Situation Awareness;Signal Detection;SEIPS Model;NDM;Prioritizing Research Questions;Patient Physical Function;Agile Innovation;Conversational Interface;Shared Situation Awareness