Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women's Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century

Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women's Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century

Martin, Claire Emilie; Donato, Clorinda

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias

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1. Transnational Flows: Women Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century Clorinda Donato and Claire Emilie Martin.- 2. Women across Boundaries: Transnational Exchanges in Nineteenth-Century Europe; Rewriting Women's History from a Transnational Perspective.- 3. Transatlantic Networks against Cultural Periphery: The Baroness of Wilson's Canon and the Spanish and Latin American Women of Letters in the Nineteenth Century.- 4. Transnational Identities and Translated Agencies: From Madame de Stael's Corinne, oul'Italie (1807) to Kim Ragusa's The Skin between Us: A Memoir of Race, Beauty, and Belonging (2006).- 5. The Confessions of the Countess Merlin and Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Writing as the Essential Adventure of Their Lives.- 6. "Tutto il sesso femminino per mia bocca v'intima Guerra" (Through My Mouth, the Entire Female Sex Declares War on You), Signed: A European Woman.- 7. Angelica Palli and Alessio: Love and Patriotism in the Early Italian Historical Novel.- 8. The Transatlantic Experience in the Construction of Flora Tristan's Authorial Posture: From Pariah to Female Messiah.- 9. El baul de Miss Florence: (Re)imagining the Past; Women's Travel Literature and the Sweet Tyranny of the Sugar Haciendas in Puerto Rico.- 10. Romantic Cartographies: La Condesa de Merlin's Colonial Havana and the View from the Harbor.- 11. Matilde Serao, Flanerie and Women in Urban Spaces.- 12. The Fourth Estate in Petticoats.- 13. The Twenty-Year Journey: Flavia Steno's La Chiosa and the French Daily Newspaper La Fronde.- 14. Women Readers in Nineteenth-Century Mexico: A Study of the Periodicals Las Hijas del Anahuac, El Album de la Mujer, and Violetas del Anahuac.- 15. Clorinda Matto de Turner's Tradiciones cuzquenas: A Writer's Perspective.- 16. Luck of the Draw: Gambling, Marriage, and the Labor Economy in Clorinda Matto de Turner's Herencia.- 17. Clorinda's Cosmopolis: Crisis, Reinvention, and the Birth of Bucaro Americano.- 18. Adapting Economic Strategies to a Changing World in Maria del Pilar Sinues's La dama elegante (1880).- 19. Hiding in Plain Sight: Feminism and Geopolitical Commentary in Fernan Caballero's La corruptora y la buena maestra (1868).- 20. Epistolary and Commodity Exchanges in Nineteenth-Century Argentina, or Mariquita Sanchez de Mendeville's Agency.- 21. Solitary Confinement in Rachilde's La Tour d'amour: Dehumanization and Madness of the Buried Alive.- 22. Towards New Models of Femininity in the Works of Virginia Elena Ortea.- 23. In Defense of Women's Progress and Freethinking: Amalia Domingo Soler, Eugenia Estopa and Dolores Navas.- 24. Writing about the Unspeakable: Gendered Violence in the Nineteenth Century.- 25. Women Worthies? Ascriptions of Masculinity to Exceptional Women Writers in Early Nineteenth-Century Italy.- 26. "Dona Maria Dolores Lopez, Vecina of Tehuacan" or the Case of a Too-Soon Forgotten Nineteenth-Century Mexican Woman Writer.- 27. Annie Vivanti's Multicultural Identity and the Shaping of the Artist's Body.- 28. The "Alpine Sybil": Her Verses and Prose Between Arcadia and Romanticism (the Italian Way).- 29. Gender Fluidity, the Crisis of Care, and Ecocriticism in George Sand's Francois le champi.- 30. What Have You Done Philately? Stamps and the Death of the Liberal Dream in Carmen de Burgos' Don Manolito (1916).- 31. Transnational Emancipationism: Fanny Salazar Zampini's Commitment to Women's Liberation.- 32. Adaptation to or of the Environment? Examining the Works of French Women Writers of the First Republic and First Empire through an Ecocritical Lens.- 33. The Archive as Legitimizing Artifact in Ccora Campillana: Romance historico del tiempo de la conquista (1873) by Carolina Freyre de Jaimes.- 34. "One of the First, If Not the Very First Woman of Her Age": Germaine de Stael and Her Literary Posterity.- 35. The Making of Il Giorno: Matilde Serao's Letters to Luigi Luzzatti.- 36. Celebrity by Way of Autobiography: The Case of Angela Veronese.- 37. Alliance and Sorellanza in Matilde Serao's Romanzo della fanciulla.- 38. Superstition and Orientalism in Il ventre di Napoli by Matilde Serao.- 39. Concepcion Gimeno de Flaquer and Her Transatlantic Journey (1873?-1890): Victorina o el heroismo del corazon.- 40. Liturgization and the Satire of Politics in Emilia Pardo Bazan's La tribuna (1883).- 41. Between Conformity and Transgression: Approaches to Writing in the Albums of Emilia Pardo Bazan.- 42. Victoria Ocampo's Transnational Networks: A Sociocultural and Data-Driven Approach.
Nation-building;Global politics;Sexuality;Race;Latin America;Spain;Italy;Revolution;Women's rights;Social movements;Travel writing;Indigenous rights