Milan Institute of Physics

Milan Institute of Physics

A Research Institute from Fascism to the Reconstruction

Gariboldi, Leonardo; Bonolis, Luisa; Testa, Antonella

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Physics in Milan before the foundation of the University of Milan.- The Institute of Complementary Physics: Aldo Pontremoli and the 1928 polar expedition.- The Institute of Physics in 1930-45: Giovanni Polvani, the impact of Fascism and the war on the physics community.- Giovanni Gentile jr and the intermediate statistics.- The post-war reconstruction of the Institute of Physics.- Cosmic-ray physics: from Giuseppe Cocconi's cloud chambers to Beppo Occhialini's nuclear emulsions.- Nuclear physics: the collaboration with the C.I.S.E. (Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze) and the I.N.F.N. (National Institute of Nuclear Physics).- Theoretical physics: the contributions by Piero Caldirola and his school.
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Physics and Astronomy History of Science book;Milan Institute of Physics;Aldo Pontremoli;Giovanni Polvani;Giovanni Gentile jr;Beppo Occhialini;Piero Caldirola;Cosmic Rays;Physics and Politics in Italy;CISE Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze;1928 Polar Expedition;Physics and Fascism;1955 Atoms for Peace conference