Limitations of the Law of Armed Conflicts: New Means and Methods of Warfare

Limitations of the Law of Armed Conflicts: New Means and Methods of Warfare

Essays in Memory of Rosario Dominguez Mates

Fernandez-Sanchez, Pablo Antonio







15 a 20 dias


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Notes on Contributors

Biographical Note: Professor Rosario Dominguez Mates

??Nuria?? ??Arenas Hidalgo??? ?and? ???Rosa?? ??Giles Carnero??????

part 1??

New Means of Warfare, More Problems Added to the Classical Problems?

1?Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy in New Armed Conflicts Unfinished Regulation???

??Pablo Antonio?? ??Fern?a?ndez-S?a?nchez??????

2?The Use of Chemical Weapons and Toxic Substances in Contemporary Conflictual Framework

??Fernando?? ??Villena??????

3?Biological Weapons and Their Incompatibility with ihl

??Ana Cristina?? ??Gallego-Hern?a?ndez??????

4?Autonomous Weapons and International Responsibility

??Borja?? ??Montes Toscano??????

5?Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in New Armed Conflicts

??Pilar?? ??Pozo Serrano??????

6?The New Weapons in Naval Warfare Unmanned Maritime Systems???

??Noelia?? ??Arjona Hern?a?ndez??????

7?Artificial Intelligence in Modern War Beyond Killer Robots???

??A?ngel?? ??G?o?mez de ?A?greda??????

8?The European Union before the Regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (Between Utopia and Necessity)???

??Victoriano?? ??Gallego Arce??????

9?The Use of Biobots as a Means of Warfare in the New Armed Conflicts

??Miguel ?A?ngel?? ??Mart?i?n L?o?pez???????

part 2??

New Methods of Warfare, New International Legal Lagoons?

10?The Limits of Fake News as Methods of Warfare

??Chema?? ??Su?a?rez-Serrano??????

11?The Hostile Use of Cyberspace and Its Implications as Means of Warfare A 'Stuxnetization' of Global Relations????

??Rafael?? ??Rodr?i?guez Prieto??????

12?Lawfare as a New Method of Warfare

??Jonat?a?n?? ??Cruz ?A?ngeles??????

13?Big Data and the New Armed Conflicts

??V?i?ctor Luis?? ??Guti?e?rrez Castillo??????

14?Terrorism and Counterterrorism in New Asymmetric and Hybrid Warfare Lessons after Afghanistan???

??Consuelo?? ??Ram?o?n Chornet??????

15?Poisoning of Food as a Method of Warfare

??Adriana?? ??Fillol Mazo??????

16?Sexual Violence Against Men as a Method of Warfare in Contemporary Conflicts Some Lessons Learned???

??Magdalena M.?? ??Mart?i?n Mart?i?nez??????

17?New Methods (and Means) of Warfare and Their Impact on the Structure of the Armed Forces

??Pedro?? ??S?a?nchez Herr?a?ez??????

18?Armies towards the 2035 Horizon Concerning New Threats, Technology and Urban Scenarios (The Example of the Actions of the Spanish Army)

??Miguel?? ??Ballenilla Garc?i?a de Gamarra???????

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autonomous artificial intelligence weapons; biobots; chemical and biological weapons; fake news; lawfare; nuclear weapon; premeditated poisoning; sexual humiliation; terrorism as a warfare method; the hostile use of cyberspace; the use of big data in armed conflicts; the use of nuclear energy in armed conflicts