Europa Directory of International Organizations 2022

Europa Directory of International Organizations 2022

Publications, Europa

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Background Information

Multilateral Co-operation and Global Governance: The Evolution of International Organizations ZORZETA BAKAKI

Global Environmental Governance


The Structure of Migration Governance


Multilateral Governance and Global Action on Health


Transboundary Water Management: Conflict and Co-operation


The Development of International Organizations: A Chronology

International Observances (Days, Years, Decades etc.)


The United Nations

United Nations


Diplomatic Representation

Permanent Missions


Information Centres/Services


System-wide Coherence

Inter-Agency Bodies and Programmes




Other Special High Level Appointments of the Secretary-General

General Assembly


Security Council

International Tribunals


Trusteeship Council

Economic and Social Council-ECOSOC

International Court of Justice

United Nations Fundamental Treaties

Charter of the United Nations

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

United Nations Regional Commissions

Economic Commission for Europe-UNECE

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific-ESCAP

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean-ECLAC

Economic Commission for Africa-ECA

Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia-ESCWA

Other United Nations Bodies

Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs-OCHA

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights-OHCHR

United Nations Children's Fund-UNICEF

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-UNCTAD

United Nations Development Coordination Office

United Nations Development Programme-UNDP

Funds, Programmes and Policy Centres

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women-UN Women

United Nations Environment Programme-UNEP

Associated Bodies

The Rio Conventions

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees-UNHCR

United Nations Human Settlements Programme-UN-Habitat

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs-UNODA

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-UNODC

United Nations Peacekeeping

Chronology of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Observer Missions

United Nations Political Missions and Peacebuilding

Special Appointments of the UN Secretary-General Concerned with His Good Offices and with Peacebuilding

United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East-UNRWA

United Nations Training and Research Institutes

World Food Programme-WFP

Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations within the UN System

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAO

International Atomic Energy Agency-IAEA

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-IBRD-World Bank

International Development Association-IDA

International Finance Corporation-IFC

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency-MIGA

International Civil Aviation Organization-ICAO

International Fund for Agricultural Development-IFAD

International Labour Organization-ILO

International Maritime Organization-IMO

International Monetary Fund-IMF

International Organization for Migration-IOM

International Telecommunication Union-ITU

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-UNESCO

United Nations Industrial Development Organization-UNIDO

Universal Postal Union-UPU

World Health Organization-WHO

World Intellectual Property Organization-WIPO

World Meteorological Organization-WMO

World Tourism Organization-UNWTO

World Trade Organization-WTO


Major Non-UN Organizations

African Development Bank-AfDB

African Union-AU

Andean Community of Nations-CAN

Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development-AFESD

Arab Monetary Fund

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation-APEC

Asian Development Bank-ADB

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank-AIIB

Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN

Bank for International Settlements-BIS

Caribbean Community-CARICOM

Central American Integration System-SICA

Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa-COMESA

The Commonwealth

Commonwealth of Independent States-CIS

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf-GCC

Council of the Baltic Sea States-CBSS

Council of Europe

Economic Community of West African States-ECOWAS

Economic Cooperation Organization-ECO

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-EBRD

European Space Agency-ESA

European Union-EU

Franc Zone

Inter-American Development Bank-IDB

Intergovernmental Authority on Development-IGAD

International Chamber of Commerce-ICC

International Criminal Court-ICC

Hybrid International Criminal Court

International Olympic Committee-IOC

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

International Committee of the Red Cross-ICRC

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

International Seabed Authority-ISA

International Trade Union Confederation-ITUC

Inter-Parliamentary Union-IPU

Islamic Development Bank-IsDB

Latin American Integration Association-LAIA

League of Arab States

North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development-OECD

International Energy Agency-IEA

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency-NEA

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe-OSCE

Organization of American States-OAS

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries-OAPEC

Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation-BSEC

Organization of Islamic Cooperation-OIC

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries-OPEC

OPEC Fund for International Development 733

Pacific Community 735

Pacific Islands Forum 739

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation-SAARC

Southern African Development Community-SADC

Southern Common Market-MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL

World Council of Churches-WCC

World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU


Other International Organizations

(Listed by subject)


Who's Who in International Organizations
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Europa directory;global governance;europa directories;the united nations;European Union;international organisations;international organizations;United Nations;global economy;Europe;EU;co-operation;UN;South Sudan;Central African Republic;Disaster Risk Reduction;Western Sahara;G5 Sahel;International Humanitarian Law;African Development Bank;Lao People's Democratic Republic;Humanitarian Aid;SDG;FTF;East Timor;Internet Www;International Monetary Fund;Member States;Central Asia Regional Economic Co-operation;Civil Society;Nuclear Disarmament;Pacific Islands Forum;MERS;Boko Haram;Private Sector Development;Energy Policies;AMR