Dual Truth, Volumes I & II

Dual Truth, Volumes I & II

Studies on Nineteenth-Century Modern Religious Thought and Its Influence on Twentieth-Century Jewish Philosophy

Chamiel, Ephraim

Academic Studies Press






15 a 20 dias

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Volume I

Translator's Note
Foreword to the English Edition


Chapter One:
Samson Raphael Hirsch: The Neo-Orthodox, Neo-Romantic Educator, and his Approach of Neo-Fundamentalist Identicality

Chapter Two:
Interpretations of Hirsch's Thought from the Right and the Left

Chapter Three:
"Heavenly Reward"-Samuel David Luzzatto's Doctrine of Divine Providence-between Revelation and Philosophy

Chapter Four:
Development of Halakhah: Luzzatto's Evolving Views

Chapter Five:
The Peshat is One, Because the Truth is One: Luzzatto between Interpretation and Thought

Chapter Six:
Luzzatto and Maimonides: "Accept Truth from Whoever Speaks It"

Chapter Seven:
Luzzatto on Theosophical Kabbalah: Harmful Invention with Worthy Intentions

Chapter Eight:
Between Reason and Revelation: The Encounter between Rabbi Tsvi Hirsch Chajes and Nahman Krochmal

Volume II

Chapter Nine:
Hirsch's Influence on Religious Jewish Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

Chapter Ten:
Hirsch's Influence on Rabbi David Tsvi Hoffmann's Commentary on the Pentateuch

Chapter Eleven:
Hirsch's Influence on Twentieth-Century Halakhic Decisors

Chapter Twelve:
The Influence of German Neo-Orthodoxy on the Young Rav Kook

Chapter Thirteen:
Luzzatto's Influence on Umberto Cassuto's Method of Biblical Interpretation

Chapter Fourteen:
Tolerance, Pluralism, and Postmodernism-A Dialectic of Opposites in Jewish Thought in the Modern Era
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
providence; rationalism; reason; women in Judaism.; oral torah; torah umada; Creation; dialectic; universalism; romantics; revelation; orthodoxy; ethics; kabala; redemption; modern Jewish thought; Christianity