Cluster Organization

Cluster Organization

Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships

Lis, Anna Maria; Lis, Adrian

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical foundations of clusters and cluster organizations. 3. Theoretical foundations of cooperation in cluster organizations. 4. Application of grounded theory and the abduction approach to the research of cluster organizations. 5. Development of cooperation in cluster organizations: results of empirical research. 6. Application of the generated concept to selected cluster organizations in Europe. 7. Conclusions.
Cluster Cooperation;Cluster Members;Forms of Commitment;Cluster Entities;Broker;SME Sector;Direct Resource Supplier;WoS Database;External Relations;Salix Viminalis;Internal Relations;Cooperation Levels;Group Commitment;Level Iv;Cluster Organisations;Level Ii;Cooperative Relationships;Cluster Policy;Development Levels;Green Energy;Cooperation;ICT Sector;cooperative relationships' development;Information Exchange Platform;cluster organizations;CIs;Quantitative Research;cluster research;Transaction Cost Theory;economic development;COs;Cluster Partners;Industrial Clusters;SME;Grounded Theory;Energy Efficiency;SME Policy;Cluster's Life Cycle;Monographic Method