Beveridge Report

Beveridge Report

Blueprint for the Welfare State

Fraser, Derek

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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0. Introduction: The Beveridge Report: Perspectives and Purposes 1. British Social Services Pre-Beveridge 2. Wartime Social Policy 3. The Beveridge Committee at Work 4.The Beveridge Report - The Evidence 5.The Beveridge Report - Composition and Content 6. The Beveridge Report - The Response 7.Planning for Welfare - Without Beveridge 8. Beveridge Mark II - "My Goodness My Beveridge" 9. Labour and the Creation of the Welfare State 10. Conclusion: Beveridge - The Legacy
NHS;National Health Service;1911 National Health Insurance scheme;Aneurin Bevan;Clement Attlee;Winston Churchill;Emergency Medical Service;1941 Determination of Needs Act;Beveridge Report;Beveridge Committee;Contributory Insurance;Workmen's Compensation;Post-war;Beveridge Plan;Keynes;Social Security Scheme;Approved Societies;Welfare Reform;Beveridge Proposals;Assistance Board;Social Insurance;Dense;Public Assistance Committee;Flat Rate Benefits;LCC;Flat Rate Contributions;Wartime;Beveridge Scheme;Approved Society System;Kingsley Wood;Ernest Brown;Government Actuary