Artistic Foundations of Nations and Citizens

Artistic Foundations of Nations and Citizens

Art, Literature, and the Political Community

Ward, Ann

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: The Artistic Foundations of Nations and Citizens: Art, Literature, and the Political Community. Part I: Political Foundation, Citizen Virtue, and Nation in Visual Art 1. The Bayeux Tapestry: Nationalism Before Nations and Globes 2. Justice, Peace, and the Common Good in Trecento Siena: A Political Study of Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Ben Comune 3. J.W.M. Turner and Painting Politics: The Beauty of Britain Part II: Republicanism, Statesmanship, and Nation-Building in the Plays of William Shakespeare 4. Eros and Ordered Consent in A Midsummer Night's Dream 5. The Stagings and Statesmanship of Shakespeare's Henry V 6. What is a Nation? Shakespeare's Reflections on Nation-Building in the Plays of Henry VI Part III: The Early Modern and Contemporary Critique of Liberalism and Globalism 7. Violence and Colonial Politics in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko 8. Swift's Criticism of the Narrative of Progress in Gulliver's Voyage to Laputa 9. Judith Hermann's Nichts als Gespenster: Globality, Ambient Romance and Identity Tourism Part IV: Reflections on Nationalism in the American Political Novel 10. Neither Patriot Nor Saint: The Theological Implications of Twain's Portrait of Nationalism in Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Art and politics;Republicanism;Shakespeare;Art and Polictical Philosophy;J.M.W. Turner;Nationalism;Ambrogio Lorenzetti;Allegory of Good Government;Bayeux Tapestry;Oroonoko;Gulliver;Nichts als Gespenster;Joan of Arc