Strategic Thinking Illustrated

Strategic Thinking Illustrated

Strategy Made Visual Using Systems Thinking

Sherwood, Dennis

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword. Preface. PART 1 SYSTEMS. 1 Systems and Mental Models. 2 Links and Dangles. 3 Causal Loop Diagrams. 4 Reinforcing Loops. 5 Balancing Loops. 6 Targets and Budgets. PART 2 APPLICATIONS. 7 Competitive Markets. 8 Controlling Stock Levels. 9 Queues, Angry Customers, Borrowing, Supply and Demand. 10 Prices, Inflation, Economic Depression and Growth. 11 Conflict - and Teamwork. 12 Businesses Are Inherently 'Joined Up'. 13 Targets and Budgets in Practice. 14 Teachers Behaving Badly. 15 Perverse Incentives and Unintended Consequences. 16 Delivering General Practice. 17 The Climate Crisis. PART 3 OVER TO YOU! 18 How to Draw Causal Loop Diagrams. 19 How to Use Causal Loop Diagrams. Some Good Things to Read and Some Resources Too. Index.
problem-solving;Systems thinking;causal loop diagrams;project management;Balancing Loops;Inverse Link;Wo;Pause;Exponential Decline;Unsatisfied Demand;Satisfied Demand;Payments;System Dynamics Simulation Modelling;Excess Supply;Curly Arrows;Follow;Odd;Influence Link;Closed Feedback Loop;Reinforcing Feedback Loop;Min;Resource Capacity;Relative Price Advantage;OK;Driving Business Growth;GP Practice;Organisation's Performance Measurement System;Net Growth Rate