Stone Masters

Stone Masters

Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia

High, Holly

NUS Press






15 a 20 dias

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List of figures and tables
Section I: Stone Theory
Chapter 1: Holly High: An introduction to Stone Masters
Chapter 2: John Clifford Holt: Theorizing 'Stone Masters': Revisiting Paul Mus
Chapter 3: Holly High: "They can see us but we can't see them": Power, deities, and presences of places in Sekong, Lao PDR
Chapter 4: Courtney Work: 'The Dance of Life and Death: Social relationships with elemental power
Chapter 5: Paul-David Lutz: The State Has Come
Chapter 6: Benjamin Baumann: Masters of the Underground: Termite Mound Worship and the Mutuality of Chthonic and Human Beings in Thailand's Lower Northeast
Chapter 7: Holly High: Lady Luck of the City: Myth and meaning at Vientiane's city pillar
Chapter 9: Kazuo Fukurra: From Ritual Traditions to Spirit Mediumship: The Evolution of Pillar Worship in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand
Chapter 10: Klemens Karlsson: Territory Cults and Power in the Eastern Shan State of Myanmar
Chapter 11: H?ng T. D. Ngo: The Mountain, the Masters and the Nation: Enduring Power Encounters at a Temple in Contemporary Vietnam?
Chapter 12: Penny Van Esterik: Afterword
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