State Construction and Art in East Central Europe, 1918-2018

State Construction and Art in East Central Europe, 1918-2018

Kossowska, Irena; Chmielewska, Agnieszka; Lachowski, Marcin

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Agnieszka Chmielewska, Irena Kossowska, and Marcin Lachowski

PART I: Cultural Specificity of East Central Europe

1. History Too Fast

Eva Forgacs

2. Universal or National? Making Art on the European Periphery

Agnieszka Chmielewska

3. The Concept of Eastern Art and Self-Historicisation: The Slovenian Case

Nadja Gnamus

PART II: Nation- and State-Building Processes

4. Performing Everyday Activity, Creating Eternal: Ukrainian Art on the Fronts of the First World War

Sofia Korol

5. Civil War - Communist Upheaval - Attack of the White Slaughterers? The Civil Wars of 1917-1922 in Finnish and Soviet Karelian Literature

Thekla Musaeus

6. The Archipenko Brothers: Discussion about National Art

Vita Susak

PART III: Aestheticization of Politics - Ideologization of Aesthetics

7. In/Tolerance to Visual Anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia 1918-1948

Milan Pech

8. Art History and State Reconstruction in Greece in the 1950s and Early 1960s

Lefteris Spyrou

9. Contesting Legitimacy: From the Photo Club to Fine Art Subjective Documentary-Andrejs Grants. Latvia: Changing and Unchanging Reality

Pamela M. Browne

10. "Poles Forming Their National Flag": Artistic Reflection on the Transformation of the Political System in Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe

Piotr Majewski

PART IV: Art Exhibitions as Political Instrument

11. Western Modern Art Exhibitions in the USSR in 1930s-1950s

Katarina Lopatkina

12. "The Lenin of Soviet Art Has Not Yet Been Born": Nascent Socialist Realism in Warsaw of 1933

Irena Kossowska

13. From Hanoi and Havana to Paris and New York: Czecho-Slovak Cultural-Diplomatic Exhibitions during the Cold War

Maria Oriskova

14. 1956. Old Masters and the Ephemeral Borders

Patricia Garcia-Monton Gonzalez

15. Somewhere Something

Pavlina Morganova

16. Dreams and Nightmares: Nationalism in Art Exhibitions from Socialist Romania 1974-1989

Cristian Nae

17. Local/Global Latvian Art at the Venice Biennale

Stella Pelse

18. "Grey in Colour" - Observations on the Reconstruction of Modernity

Marcin Lachowski

PART V: Architecture as Vehicle for State Cultural Policy

19. Cities in Interbellum Lithuanian Republic (1918-1940)

Paulius Tautvydas Laurinaitis

20. About Two Gems in the Stadtkrone of Kaunas, the Provisional Capital of Interwar Lithuania

Giedre Jankeviciute

21. An Elite Place for the Masses: Prague Castle and its Role in the Legitimisation of Socialist Rule in Czechoslovakia (1948-1968)

Veronika Rollova

22. One Ideology, Two Visions: Ecclesiastical Buildings and State Identity in the Socialist Capital During the Post-War Rebuilding Decades 1945-1975, East Berlin and Warsaw

Marcus van der Meulen

23. Monument Preservation during Socialism: Restorations and Reconstructions of Hungarian Roman Catholic Churches in the 1960-70s

Erzsebet Urban
Eastern Europe;art history;interwar;World War I;First World War;World War II;Second World War;Cold War;politics;socialism;culture;twentieth century;20th century;twenty-first century;21st century;power;Slovenia;Latvia;Ukraine;communism;civil war;Soviet;USSR;Czechoslovakia;Prussia;Greece;Poland;modern art;exhibitions;Lithuania;Hungary;East Central Europe;Hold;Post-war;GDR;USA;Anniversary;Vincent Van Gogh;Czechoslovak Republic;Oil On Canvas;National Gallery;Superimposed;Baroque;Museum Of Modern Art;Follow;Group IRWIN;Garrigue Masaryk;Vice Versa;Ukrainian Art;Mittel Und Osteuropa;Prague Castle;Eva;Plecnik;Taras Shevchenko;Harald;Czecho Slovak Republic