Spinoza in Germany

Spinoza in Germany

Political and Religious Thought Across the Long Nineteenth Century

Gjesdal, Kristin; Yonover, Jason Maurice

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias

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Jason M. Yonover and Kristin Gjesdal: Introduction
1: Michael N. Forster: Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise and the German Romantic Tradition
2: Michael Rosenthal: The Prophet Between Philosopher and Poet: On Friedrich Schlegel s Interpretation of Spinoza
3: Kristin Gjesdal: Spinoza's Hermeneutic Legacy: Interpretation and Emancipation in Herder, Schleiermacher, and Stael
4: Yoav Schaefer: Kant's Anti-Judaism and Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise
5: Michah Gottlieb: Against Ceremonial Law: Spinoza, the Berlin Haskalah, and the Birth of Reform Judaism
6: Yitzhak Y. Melamed: The Political Theology of Salomon Maimon
7: Martin Bollacher: Goethe and Spinoza on Faith, the State, and the Old Testament
8: Jonathan Israel: Spinoza and the Growing Divide between Radical Enlightenment and Socialism in the German-Jewish Intellectual World of the 1830s and 1840s
9: Frederick Beiser: David Friedrich Strauss and Spinoza on the Bible and Biblical Interpretation
10: Sandra Shapshay and Dennis Vanden Auweele: "To separate faith from philosophy": Schopenhauer s Dialogue with Spinoza
11: Sandra Leonie Field: Marx, Spinoza, and True Democracy
12: Tracie Matysik: How Spinoza Became a Dialectical Materialist: Developments in Organized Social Democracy
13: Warren Zev Harvey: Spinoza, Mendelssohn, and Moses Hess on Zion
14: Shira Billet: "Let the Historian be a Philosopher!": Hermann Cohen s Methodological Dispute with Spinoza
15: Katharina Kraus: Lou Salome on Life, Religion, Self-Development, and Psychoanalysis: The Spinozistic Background
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