Solid State Physics

Solid State Physics

An Introduction

Hofmann, Philip

Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH






15 a 20 dias


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Preface to the First Edition xi

Preface to the Second Edition xiii

Preface to the Third Edition xv

Physical Constants and Energy Equivalents xvii

1 Crystal Structures 1

1.1 General Description of Crystal Structures 2

1.2 Some Important Crystal Structures 3

1.2.1 Cubic Structures 4

1.2.2 Close-Packed Structures 5

1.2.3 Structures of Covalently Bonded Solids 6

1.3 Crystal Structure Determination 7

1.3.1 X-Ray Diffraction 7 Bragg Theory 7 Lattice Planes and Miller Indices 8 General Diffraction Theory 9 The Reciprocal Lattice 11 The Meaning of the Reciprocal Lattice 12 X-Ray Diffraction from Periodic Structures 14 The Ewald Construction 15 Relation Between Bragg and Laue Theory 16

1.3.2 Other Methods for Structure Determination 17

1.3.3 Inelastic Scattering 17

1.4 Further Reading 17

1.5 Discussion and Problems 18

Discussion 18

Basic Concepts 18

Problems 20

2 Bonding in Solids 23

2.1 Attractive and Repulsive Forces 23

2.2 Ionic Bonding 24

2.3 Covalent Bonding 25

2.4 Metallic Bonding 32

2.5 Hydrogen Bonding 33

2.6 Van der Waals Bonding 33

2.7 Further Reading 34

2.8 Discussion and Problems 34

Discussion 34

Basic Concepts 35

Problems 35

3 Mechanical Properties 37

3.1 Elastic Deformation 39

3.1.1 Macroscopic Picture 39 Elastic Constants 39 Poisson's Ratio 40 Relation Between Elastic Constants 40

3.1.2 Microscopic Picture 41

3.2 Plastic Deformation 43

3.2.1 Estimate of the Yield Stress 43

3.2.2 Point Defects and Dislocations 45

3.2.3 The Role of Defects in Plastic Deformation 45

3.3 Fracture 47

3.4 Further Reading 48

3.5 Discussion and Problems 48

Discussion 48

Basic Concepts 49

Problems 49

4 Thermal Properties of the Lattice 51

4.1 Lattice Vibrations 51

4.1.1 A Simple Harmonic Oscillator 51

4.1.2 An Infinite Chain of Atoms 52 One Atom Per Unit Cell 52 The First Brillouin Zone 55 Two Atoms per Unit Cell 56

4.1.3 A Finite Chain of Atoms 58

4.1.4 Quantized Vibrations, Phonons 59

4.1.5 Three-Dimensional Solids 61 Generalization to Three Dimensions 61 Estimate of the Vibrational Frequencies from the Elastic Constants 63

4.2 Heat Capacity of the Lattice 64

4.2.1 Classical Theory and Experimental Results 65

4.2.2 Einstein Model 66

4.2.3 Debye Model 68

4.3 Thermal Conductivity 71

4.4 Thermal Expansion 74

4.5 Allotropic Phase Transitions and Melting 75

References 78

4.6 Further Reading 78

4.7 Discussion and Problems 78

Discussion 78

Basic Concepts 79

Problems 81

5 Electronic Properties of Metals: Classical Approach 85

5.1 Basic Assumptions of the Drude Model 85

5.2 Results from the Drude Model 87

5.2.1 dc Electrical Conductivity 87

5.2.2 Hall Effect 89

5.2.3 Optical Reflectivity of Metals 90

5.2.4 The Wiedemann-Franz Law 93

5.3 Shortcomings of the Drude Model 93

5.4 Further Reading 94

5.5 Discussion and Problems 95

Discussion 95

Basic Concepts 95

Problems 96

6 Electronic Properties of Solids: Quantum Mechanical Approach 99

6.1 The Idea of Energy Bands 100

6.2 The Free Electron Model 103

6.2.1 The Quantum-Mechanical Eigenstates 103

6.2.2 Electronic Heat Capacity 107

6.2.3 The Wiedemann-Franz Law 108

6.2.4 Screening 108

6.3 The General Form of the Electronic States 111

6.4 Nearly-Free Electron Model: Band Formation 114

6.5 Tight-binding Model 119

6.6 Energy Bands in Real Solids 124

6.7 Transport Properties 130

6.8 Brief Review of Some Key Ideas 134

References 135

6.9 Further Reading 135

6.10 Discussion and Problems 136

Discussion 136

Basic Concepts 137

Problems 140

7 Semiconductors 145

7.1 Intrinsic Semiconductors 146

7.1.1 Temperature Dependence of the Carrier Density 148

7.2 Doped Semiconductors 153

7.2.1 n and p Doping 153

7.2.2 Carrier Density 155

7.3 Conductivity of Semiconductors 157

7.4 Semiconductor Devices 158

7.4.1 The pn Junction 158

7.4.2 Transistors 163

7.4.3 Optoelectronic Devices 165

7.5 Further Reading 168

7.6 Discussion and Problems 169

Discussion 169

Basic Concepts 170

Problems 172

8 Magnetism 175

8.1 Macroscopic Description 175

8.2 Quantum-Mechanical Description of Magnetism 177

8.3 Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism in Atoms 179

8.4 Weak Magnetism in Solids 182

8.4.1 Diamagnetic Contributions 183 Contribution from the Atoms 183 Contribution from the Free Electrons 183

8.4.2 Paramagnetic Contributions 183 Curie Paramagnetism 184 Pauli Paramagnetism 185

8.5 Magnetic Ordering 187

8.5.1 Magnetic Ordering and the Exchange Interaction 187

8.5.2 Magnetic Ordering for Localized Spins 189

8.5.3 Magnetic Ordering in a Band Picture 193

8.5.4 Ferromagnetic Domains 195

8.5.5 Hysteresis 196

Reference 198

8.6 Further Reading 198

8.7 Discussion and Problems 199

Discussion 199

Basic Concepts 200

Problems 201

9 Dielectrics 203

9.1 Macroscopic Description 203

9.2 Microscopic Polarization 205

9.3 The Local Field 207

9.4 Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Constant 208

9.4.1 Excitation of Lattice Vibrations 208

9.4.2 Electronic Transitions 212

9.5 Other Effects 213

9.5.1 Impurities in Dielectrics 213

9.5.2 Ferroelectricity 214

9.5.3 Piezoelectricity 215

9.5.4 Dielectric Breakdown 216

9.6 Further Reading 216

9.7 Discussion and Problems 216

Discussion 216

Basic Concepts 217

Problems 218

10 Superconductivity 221

10.1 Basic Experimental Facts 222

10.1.1 Zero Resistivity 222

10.1.2 The Meissner Effect 225

10.1.3 The Isotope Effect 227

10.2 Some Theoretical Aspects 227

10.2.1 Phenomenological Theory 227

10.2.2 Microscopic BCS Theory 230

10.3 Experimental Detection of the Gap 236

10.4 Coherence of the Superconducting State 238

10.5 Type-I and Type-II Superconductors 239

10.6 High-Temperature Superconductivity 242

10.7 Concluding Remarks 243

References 244

10.8 Further Reading 244

10.9 Discussion and Problems 244

Discussion 244

Basic Concepts 245

Problems 246

11 Finite Solids and Nanostructures 249

11.1 Quantum Confinement 250

11.2 Surfaces and Interfaces 252

11.3 Magnetism on the Nanoscale 255

11.4 Further Reading 256

11.5 Discussion and Problems 257

Discussion 257

Basic Concepts 257

Problems 257

Appendix A 259

A.1 Explicit Forms of Vector Operations 259

A.2 Differential Form of the Maxwell Equations 260

A.3 Maxwell Equations in Matter 261

Appendix B 263

B.1 Solutions to Basic Concepts Questions 263

Index 265
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
physics; physics textbook; solid state physics textbook; crystal structure; X-ray diffraction; ionic bonding; covalent bonding; metallic bonding; undergraduate physics; graduate physics; elastic deformation; plastic deformation; lattice; reciprocal lattice; lattice vibrations; thermal conductivity; heat capacity; thermal expansion; Bloch theorem; electronic band structure; semiconductors; semiconductor devices; magnetism; dielectrics; superconductivity; graphene; nano-structures