Soft Threats to National Security

Soft Threats to National Security

Antisemitism, BDS and the De-legitimization of Israel

Karsh, Efraim; Barnett, Dana

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. From underdog to occupier: Israel's tarnished image 2. The unspoken purpose of the academic boycott 3. Human Rights Watch's anti-Israel Agenda 4. Israel in modern Jewish identity: an internal debate 5. The Palestinian campaign against Israel at the United Nations Human Rights Council 6. Birds of a feather vote together? EU and Arab League UNGA Israel voting 7. The ICC's Prosecutor in the service of Palestinian Lawfare 8. The Negev Bedouin as a de-legitimization tool 9. The coalescence of anti-Zionist ideologies 10. The Covert War: From BDS to De-legitimization to Antisemitism 11. The BDS as an example of Soviet political warfare
UN;BDS Movement;International Humanitarian Law;Human Rights;International Criminal Court;BDS Campaign;Academic Boycott;IHRA;Jewish Academics;Shlomo Sand;Omar Barghouti;Secretary Of State;Negev Bedouin;UNGA Resolution;EU Member;anti-Zionist Ideologies;AL Member;IGO Membership;West Germany;Pretrial Chamber;ICC Prosecutor;BDS;Russian Information Warfare;NGO Report;Israel's Image