Sahih Muslim (Volume 6)

Sahih Muslim (Volume 6)

With the Full Commentary by Imam Nawawi

Nawawi, Imam; Muslim, Imam Abul-Husain; Salahi, Adil

Islamic Foundation






15 a 20 dias

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Book of Funeral Prayer (Continued)
Chapter 14: Covering the Deceased's Body
Chapter 15: Choosing a Good Shroud
Chapter 16: A Fast Pace in Funerals
Chapter 17: The Importance of the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 18: One Hundred to Intercede for the Deceased
Chapter 19: Forty to Intercede for the Deceased
Chapter 20: When a Deceased Person is Praised or Otherwise
Chapter 21: Resting and Rested From
Chapter 22: Glorification in Funeral Prayer
Chapter 23: Funeral Prayer at a Grave
Chapter 24: Standing up for a Funeral
Chapter 25: Abrogation of Standing up for a Funeral
Chapter 26: Supplication for the Deceased during the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 27: Where Does the Imam Stand?
Chapter 28: Riding after the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 29: Making a Groove and Raising the Bricks
Chapter 30: Placing Some Material in the Grave
Chapter 31: Graves Should Be Levelled
Chapter 32: Disallowing the Plastering of a Grave

Chapter 33: Prohibition of Sitting on a Grave and Praying Towards It
Chapter 34: Offering the Funeral Prayer in a Mosque
Chapter 35: What to Say When Entering a Graveyard
Chapter 36: The Prophet's Request for Permission to Visit His Mother's
Chapter 37: The Funeral Prayer for One Who Commits Suicide
12: Book of Zakat
Chapter: No Zakat for What Is Below the Threshold
Chapter 1: Higher Rates of Zakat
Chapter 2: No Zakat Payable for Slaves or Horses
Chapter 3: Paying Zakat in Advance and Withholding it
Chapter 4: Zakat al-Fi?r Payable in Dates and Barley by Muslims
Chapter 5: Zakat al-Fi?r Must Be Paid before the Eid Prayer
Chapter 6: The Sin of Withholding Zakat
Chapter 7: Keeping Zakat Collectors Happy
Chapter 8: Grave Punishments for Withholding Zakat
Chapter 9: Urging Voluntary Donations [i.e. ?adaqah]
Chapter 10: Hoarding Wealth
Chapter 11: What Is Spent Will Be Replaced
Chapter 12: The Best Ways of Spending
Chapter 13: Start with Oneself
Chapter 14: Charity to Relatives, Spouses, Children and Parents Even if
they are Unbelievers
Chapter 15: Rewarding the Dead for ?adaqah Done on Their Behalf
Chapter 16: ?adaqah Covers All Good Actions
Chapter 17: Being Generous or Stingy
Chapter 18: Give Charity Before It Is Too Late
Chapter 19: ?adaqah from Good Earnings Accepted and Multiplied
Chapter 20: Even a Small Charity Shields from the Fire
Chapter 21: The Prohibition against Belittling Charity
Chapter 22: A Special Kind of Charity
Chapter 23: The Generous and the Miser
Chapter 24: ?adaqah Earns its Reward, No Matter Who Benefits
Chapter 25: Reward for ?adaqah on Behalf of Someone Else
Chapter 26: When a Slave Gives a Charity from His Master's Money
Chapter 27: Combining Charity with Other Good Deeds
Chapter 28: Charity Not to Be Counted
Chapter 29: Even a Little Charity Is Fine
Chapter 30: A Charity is Better in Private
Chapter 31: The Best Charity is by One Who is Healthy and Parsimonious
Chapter 32: The Upper Hand Better than the Lower One
Chapter 33: The Prohibition against Begging
Chapter 34: Definition of a Needy Person
Chapter 35: Disapproval of Begging
Chapter 36: Permission to Beg
Chapter 37: Permissible to Take What is Freely Given
Chapter 38: Seeking Worldly Comforts
Chapter 39: Two Valleys of Money and Wanting More
Chapter 40: True Richness
Chapter 41: Fearing Plentiful Harvests
Chapter 42: Merits of Self Restraint and Patient Endurance
Chapter 43: On Being Content with Limited Means
Chapter 44: To Give to the Rude
Chapter 45: Gifts to Strengthen Faith
Chapter 46: Gifts to Win People's Hearts
Chapter 47: Description of the Khawarij
Chapter 48: Encouraging Killing the Khawarij
Chapter 49: The Khawarij: the Worst of Creation
Chapter 50: No Zakat for God's Messenger and His Household
Chapter 51: No Zakat Officers from Members of the Prophet's Household
Chapter 52: The Permissibility of Gifts for the Prophet
Chapter 53: The Prophet Accepted Gifts and Returned Charity
Chapter 54: Prayer for the One Who Brings Some Charity
Chapter 55: Pleasing the Zakat Collector
13. Book of Fasting
Chapter 1: The Importance of the Month of Ramadan
Chapter 2: Moonsighting for the Start and End of Ramadan
Chapter 3: Prohibition of Fasting a Day or Two Ahead of Ramadan
Chapter 4: A Month of 29 Days
Chapter 5: Every Town Does its Own Sighting
Chapter 6: The Size of the New Moon is Unimportant
Chapter 7: The Two Eid Months Are Never Short
Chapter 8: Fasting Starts at Break of Dawn
Chapter 9: A Late Meal Before Fasting and an Immediate End to the
Fasting Day
Chapter 10: When Does Fasting End?
Chapter 11: The Prohibition against Continued Fasting
Chapter 12: A Kiss on a Day of Fasting
Chapter 13: Starting the Fast in a State of Ceremonial Impurity
Chapter 14: Strict Prohibition of Sexual Intercourse During Fasting
Chapter 15: To Fast or not to Fast during Travel?
Chapter 16: Reward for Active Non-Fasting Person during Travel
Chapter 17: Fasting and Travelling: a Free Choice
Chapter 18: Pilgrims Should not Fast at Arafat
Chapter 19: Fasting on 10 Mu?arram
Chapter 20: Which Day to Fast at ?Ashura??
Chapter 21: Refraining from Eating on the ?Ashura? Day
Chapter 22: No Fasting on Eid Days
Chapter 23: No Fasting on the Tashriq Days
Chapter 24: Friday Should Not Be a Single Day of Fasting
Chapter 25: Abrogation of the Substitute for Fasting
Chapter 26: Delaying Compensatory Fasting
Chapter 27: Compensatory Fasting on Behalf of a Deceased Person
Chapter 28: How a Fasting Person Should Answer an Invitation to Eat
Chapter 29: Proper Speech during Fasting
Chapter 30: Why Do We Fast
Chapter 31: Fasting When Engaged in God's Cause
Chapter 32: Voluntary Fasting Intended during Day Time
Chapter 33: To Forget and Eat When Fasting
Chapter 34: The Prophet's Fasting in Other Months
Chapter 35: No Permanent Fasting
Chapter 36: Desirable Fasting
Chapter 37: Fasting the Middle Days of Sha?ban
Chapter 38: Fasting during al-Mu?arram
Chapter 39: Fasting Six Days from Shawwal
Chapter 40: The Night of Power
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Rituals; Islam; Islamic; Hadeeth; Prophetic Traditions; Mecca; Sunnah; Mohammad; Hadith; Prophet Muhammad; Teachings; God; Hajj; Quran; Authentic, Makkah; Medina, Sahaba; Pilgrimage; Koran; Qur'an; concepts; Allah; Fundamentals; Guidance; Muhammed; Makkah; Scholar