Righting Health Policy

Righting Health Policy

Bioethics, Political Philosophy, and the Normative Justification of Health Law and Policy

MacDougall, D. Robert

Lexington Books






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1: The Political Tasks of Bioethics

Chapter 2: Bioethics and Its Political Philosophy Problem

Chapter 3: Bioethicists on Kant and the Legalization of Organ Markets

Chapter 4: Kantian Moral Theory and the Problem of Political Legitimacy

Chapter 5: Rights as the Basis for Political Legitimacy

Chapter 6: Government Authority and Morally Justifiable Coercion

Chapter 7: Kidney Markets and the Limits of Legitimacy

Chapter 8: Legal Standards of Informed Consent and the Authority of the State
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
acquired right;bioethics;coercion;ethics & morality;German Idealism;health law;health policy;informed consent;innate right;justice;Kant;kidney markets;moral philosophy;organ markets;organ transplantation;political legitimacy;political philosophy;political science;political theory;public health