Rethinking What Works with Offenders

Rethinking What Works with Offenders

Probation, Social Context and Desistance from Crime

Farrall, Stephen

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Preface, Shadd Maruna and Fergus McNeill, Part 1 Introduction, 1 Probation, social context and desistance from crime: introducing the agenda, 2 Realism, criminal careers and complexity, 3 The Study, Part 2 Probation, motivation and social contexts, 4 Defining 'success', 5 The focus of probation, 6 Resolving obstacles: the role of probation supervision, 7 Motivation and probation, 8 Probation work: content and context, 9 Motivation, changing contexts and probation supervision, Part 3 Persistance and desistance, 10 Desistance, change and probation supervision, 11 The factors associated with offending, Part 4 Conclusions, 12 Probation, social context and desistance from crime: developing the agenda Index, 13 Rethinking ... 20 years later: What Happened Next?, 14 Critical International Reflections on Rethinking What Works with Offenders by Jose Cid, University of Barcelona, Spain, Martine Herzog-Evans, University of Rheims, France, Isabelle Fortine-Dufou, Laval University, Canada and Mark Halsey, Flinders University, Melbourne, Australia.
criminal;life;officer;order;probation;probationers;supervision;report;services;probationer;supervisor;desistance;self-reported data;assisted desistance;Mark Hasley;Isabelle Fortine-Dufour;Martine Herzog-Evans;Jose Cid;The Twentieth Anniversary edition;Probation Supervision;Twentieth Anniversary Edition;Anniversary;Young Man;Probation Order;Criminal Careers;Desistance Process;Probation Work;Probationer's Life;Probation Services;Black Box;Probation Officer;Criminal History Variables;Follow;Face To Face;Official Data Sources;Criminal Justice Interventions;Probation Studies Unit;Better Life;Shadd Maruna;Roundabout;Probation Service Officers;Qualitative Outcome Measures;RNR Model;Offending Trajectories