Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri

Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri

3rd-12th Century Egypt

Scheerlinck, Eline; Brand, Mattias

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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1. Introduction: Theorizing Religious Identification in Late Antique Papyri, Mattias Brand; Part I. Problematizing Religious "Identity" and the Identification of Religious Groups; 2. Christianization, "Identity," and the Problem of Internal Commitment, Egypt III-VI CE, David Frankfurter; 3. A Song-Sharing Service? Hymns, Scribal Agency, and "Religion" in Two Late Antique Papyri, Arkadiy Avdokhin; 4. Lifting the Cloak of Invisibility: Identifying the Jews of Late Antique Egypt, Arietta Papaconstantinou; Part II. Reconstructing Situational Religious Identifications; 5. Did Early Christians Keep Their Identity Secret? Neighbors and Strangers in Dionysius of Alexandria, presbyter Leon, and flax merchant Leonides of Oxyrhynchus, AnneMarie Luijendijk; 6. ?????????? ???(??): Self-identification and Formal Categorization of the First Christians in Egypt, Sabine Huebner; 7. From the Sacred to the Profane: Evidence for Multiple Social Identities in the Letters of the Nag Hammadi Codices, Paula Tutty; 8. Religious and Local Identifications in the Jewish Marriage Contract from Fifth-Century Antinoopolis, Susanna Wolfert - de Vries; Part III. Performance and Audience; 9. Aurelios Ammon from Panopolis: On Hellenistic Literary Roles and Egyptian Priestly Cloth, Benjamin Sippel; 10. "The Curses Will Be Like Oil in Their Bones." Excommunication and Curses in Bishops' Letters beyond Late Antiquity, Eline Scheerlinck; 11. Religious Expression and Relationships between Christians and Muslims in Coptic Letters from Early Islamic Egypt,Jennifer Cromwell; 12. Social Contexts of the Biblical Quotations in the Letters of Frange, Przemyslaw Piwowarczyk; 13. Concluding Remarks: "The Artificers of Facts", Mattias Brand.
Holy Men;Young Man;Late Antique North Africa;Nag Hammadi Codices;Nomina Sacra;Late Antique Egypt;Traditional Egyptian Cults;Jewish Marriage Contracts;Papyrological Record;Early Islamic Egypt;Nomen Sacrum;Coptic Letters;Religious Identification;Early Christian Letters;Arsinoite Nome;Testament Names;Heritage Society;Hermopolite Nome;Adoptive Society;National Library;Nag Hammadi;Late Antique Religion;Graeco Roman Egypt;Amuletic Texts;Dowry List