Public Inquiries

Public Inquiries

A Scholar's Engagements with the Policy-Making Process

Trebilcock, Michael J.

University of Toronto Press






15 a 20 dias


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Part A: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Institutions in the Canadian Policy-Making Process
I. Ideas and Interests in Shaping Public Policy
II. Where Ideas and Interests Intersect: Mapping the Policy-Making Terrain
A. An Overview
B. Standing and Semi-permanent Policy Advisory Bodies
C. Parliamentary Committees
D. Ad Hoc Commissions of Inquiry
a) Historical Origins
b) The Legal Basis of Commissions of Inquiry
c) Forms of Inquiries
d) The Frequency and Sectoral Scope of Commissions of Inquiry
e) Strengths of Commissions of Inquiry
f) Critiques of Commissions of Inquiry
E. Ad Hoc Government Task Forces

Part B: Personal Reflections on Engagements with the World of Ideas and Interests in Public Inquiries
I. Consumer Protection Policy
II. Competition Policy Reform
III. Regulation of Professional Services
IV. Property Rights and Development
V. Trade Policy Reform
VI. Legal Aid Reform
VII. Electricity Sector Reform in Ontario
VIII. Future Role of Government in Ontario

Part C: Lessons Learned (the Hard Way)
I. Serendipity
II. Short-Termism
III. Policy-Oriented Ad Hoc Public Inquiries
a) Terms of Reference
b) Leadership
c) Composition
d) Process
IV. Investigative/Hybrid Ad Hoc Public Inquiries
V. Positive Theories of the Public Policy-Making Process Revisited
VI. Concluding Thoughts

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ideas; interests; institutions; public inquiries; public policyregulation of professional services; policy transformation; courts; consumer protection; competition policy; trade policy; electricity reform; legal aid; innovation policy