Portuguese Landscape Architecture Education, Heritage and Research

Portuguese Landscape Architecture Education, Heritage and Research

80 Years of History

Andresen, Teresa; Castel-Branco, Cristina; Nunes, Joao Ferreira; Ribeiro, Luis Paulo; Silva, Maria Matos

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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List of illustrations

List of contributors


Foreword I
Bruno Marques

Foreword II
Joao Ceregeiro

Introduction: Three principles of ecological thinking for an interpretation of Portuguese Landscape Architecture education, heritage, and researchMaria Matos Silva

Methodology and review processMaria Matos Silva and Anubhav Goyal

Heritage and history of Portuguese Landscape Architecture: A time frame for Landscape ArchitectureTeresa Andresen

1. Historic gardens as cultural heritage. From early debates to future initiatives
Teresa Portela Marques and Maria Jose Curado

2. Goncalo Ribeiro Telles: Landscape architect, ecologist and politician in Portugal
Domingas Vasconcelos, Paulo Farinha-Marques and Francisco Castro Rego

3. Francisco Caldeira Cabral and the "Panorama" magazine: Introducing a landscape conscience in tourist propaganda
Goncalo Duarte Gomes

4. Landscape Architecture education in Portugal and Italy. The pioneering approaches of Francisco Caldeira Cabral and Pietro Porcinai
Ludovica Nardella

5. Landscape Architecture in Portugal: The quest for a needed memory
Maria Joao Fonseca

6. Lisbon city gardeners, from horticulture to Landscape Architecture (1840-1960) Cristina Castel-Branco, Ana Raquel Cunha and Ana Luisa Soares

7. From historical research to urban ecology: A new perspective on the evolution of landscape art
Ana Raquel Cunha, Maria Manuel Romeiras, Miguel Brilhante, Francisco Castro Rego and Ana Luisa Soares

8. Thirty years of research in green infrastructure and landscape planning
Ines Adagoi, Natalia Cunha, Ana Mueller, Joao Silva, Leonor T. Barata, Manuela R. Magalhaes, Selma B. Pena and Luisa Franco

PART II A Portuguese context on education and pedagogy in Landscape Architecture: Landscape Architecture: Heading to a comprehensive logical/rational, aesthetic, and ethic approachLuis Paulo Ribeiro

9. Teaching restoration of historical gardens: Research through design experience
Cristina Castel-Branco and Sonia Talhe Azambuja

10. Nature-based solutions in the teaching of landscape design by Manuel de Sousa da Camara
Paulo Farinha-Marques

11. The legacy of three generations of architects-professors: Francisco Caldeira Cabral, Manuel de Sousa da Camara, and Joao Ferreira Nunes
Eduardo J.S.C. Pinto

12. Landscape Architecture and urban ecology research as means for knowledge transfer on urban resilience in Maputo, Mozambique
Ana Beja da Costa

13. Breaking siloes and embracing the future: Western and Indigenous lenses in the education of landscape architects
Bruno Marques and Jacqueline McIntosh

14. From the concept of cultural landscape to its application in conservation policies and higher education in Portugal
Raquel Carvalho, Teresa Portela Marques and Cristina Castel-Branco

Part III
Portuguese perspectives on theory and methods in Landscape Architecture. Theory versus circumstances: The Help of Methods in Landscape ArchitectureCristina Castel-Branco

15. In between revolutions: Drivers of landscape change in Interior Alentejo from the Liberal Revolution to the April Revolution
Isabel Martinho da Silva

16. Urban adaptation strategy for the Tinto riverscape, at watershed scale, towards its multifunctionality and hydrological resilience-impacts and governance challenges
Diana T. Fernandes, Maria Jose Curado and Rodrigo Maia

17. Diversity of street trees in Lisbon, towards city sustainability
Ana Luisa Soares, Leonia Nunes, Ines Duarte, Ana Julia Francisco, Davide Gaiao, Francisco Castro Rego and Susana Dias

18. Contributions to the integration of socio-cultural landscape assessment methods in the learning process
Ligia Vaz de Figueiredo, Isabel Loupa Ramos, Maria da Graca Saraiva and Fatima Bernardo

19. Multiscalarity, interdisciplinarity, and research-by-design towards a metropolitan landscape
Ana Beja da Costa, Wim Wambecq and Joao Rafael Santos

PART IV Conclusion: Landscape Architecture and the practice of ecological thinking: Considerations for the next 80 years of history

Maria Matos Silva and Joao Ferreira Nunes

Landscape Architecture;Landscape Architecture History;Landscape Architecture Heritage;Landscape Architecture Education and Pedagogy;Theory and Methods;Landscape Architecture in Europe;Landscape Architecture in Portugal