Playing With Language

Playing With Language

Improving Elementary Reading Through Metalinguistic Awareness

Zipke, Marcy

Teachers' College Press






15 a 20 dias


Descrição não disponível.
Introduction: Playing With Language ?1
What You Will Find in This Book?4
Riddles and Wordplay ?4
Outline by Chapter ?7
1.?Phonemic Awareness: Listening to Sounds in Words ?9
Development of Phonemic Awareness?11
Instructional Recommendations ?15
2.?Set for Variability: Acquiring a Mindset of Flexibility?20
What Is Set for Variability? ?20
What the Research Shows?22
Instructional Recommendations?26
3.?Orthographic Awareness: Using Patterns to Encode and Decode ?28
Development of Orthographic Awareness ?30
Instructional Recommendations ?32
4.?Semantic Awareness: Focus on Homonyms ?34
Homonyms ?34
Riddles and Semantic Awareness ?37
Instructional Recommendations ?39
5.?Syntactic Awareness: Focus on Multi-Meaning Phrases and Sentences ?45
Development of Syntactic Awareness ?47
Language Disorders and Syntax?49
Instructional Recommendations ?51
Syntactic Riddles?52
6.?Morphological Awareness: Word Parts With Meaning ?56
Development of Morphological Awareness ?58
Instructional Recommendations ?62
7.?Pragmatic Awareness: Choose Your Words Carefully! ?66
Development of Pragmatic Awareness ?68
Instructional Recommendations ?70
8.?Metalinguistic Awareness and Reading Comprehension: Putting It All Together ?73
Models of the Reading Process ?74
Instructional Recommendations ?77
9.?Assessment of Metalinguistic Awareness?81
Phonemic Awareness ?82
Set for Variability?84
Orthographic Awareness?84
Semantic Awareness ?85
Syntactic Awareness ?87
Morphological Awareness ?87
Pragmatic Awareness ?88
Riddle Recalling and Retelling ?88
Conclusion: Why Metalinguistic Awareness Is Important ?90
What Does Metalinguistic Awareness Sound Like? ?91
English Language Learners and Metalinguistic Awareness?93
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms ?95
Appendix B: Digital Resources ?97
Appendix C: Children's Books That
Incorporate Language Play ?103
Picture Books ?103
Chapter Books ?106
Riddle Books ?107
About the Author?133
elementary language development; Set for Variability; elementary reading instruction; elementary reading comprehension; vocabulary instruction; elementary English language instruction; teaching language skills in elementary school; literacy and teacher practice; teaching metalinguistic awareness; student learning and linguistics; teaching phonemic awareness; teaching morphemic awareness; teaching syntactic awareness; teaching semantic awareness; teaching pragmatic awareness; teaching orthographic awareness; student learning and phonemes; teaching about morphemes; teaching about syntax; elementary students and academic vocabulary; reading instruction and riddles; vocabulary instruction and puns; young children, play and learning; teaching about prefixes and suffixes; teaching elementary students structural linguistic knowledge.