Planned Management of Forests

Planned Management of Forests

Brasnett, N. V.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Part 1: The Growth and Organization of Forest Crops 1. Definition and Scope of Forest Management 2. Rotation of maximum volume production 3. Forest Organization Part 2: Planning Management 4. Preparation and Sanction of Working Plans 5. Description of the Area 6. Description of Local Conditions 7. Ecological Considerations 8. Economic Considerations 9. Prescription of Future Management 10. Regulation of the Yield 11. Regulation by Area and Volume 12. Regulation by Volume 13. Regulation by Size Classes 14. Application of Methods 15. Plan of Exploitation 16. Control of Plan and Maintenance of Records 17. Financial Forecast 18. Adaptation of Planning to Protect Forests Part 3: Development of Forest Management in Western Europe 19. Destruction of Forests 20. Advent of Schools and Scientific Forestry 21. Evolution of Current Practices in France 22. Evolution of Current Practices in Germany 23. Biolley's Methode du Controle 24. Trade Damage and Scientific Repair - Norway.
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forestry management;deforestation;trees developing world;forest resources