Philosophy on Fieldwork

Philosophy on Fieldwork

Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis

Wentzer, Thomas Schwarz; Bubandt, Nils

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC






15 a 20 dias


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1. Philosophy on Fieldwork: Analysis as Bifocal Wonder, 2. Agamben and the Chinese Forced-Confession Ritual, 3. Arendt in the Lord's Resistance Army and the ICC, 4. Austin and Pandemic Performativity: From Cholera to COVID-19, 5. Bataille and the "Mindfulness Revolution", 6. Benjamin on the Trail of the Armenian Genocide, 7. Butler and Political (In)correctness, 8. Cesaire in Cape Town: The Surreal Ethnography of Ocean Pollution and Social Media Fakery, 9. Confucius in a Self-Help Group, 10. Deleuze Attends an Art Festival on a Small, North Atlantic Island, 11. Derrida and the Death of My Mother in Buli, 12. Foucault Foments Fieldwork at the University, 13. Gadamer in Black Los Angeles, 14. Harman, a Prophet, a Church, a Name: A Portrait of Four Objects, 15. Heidegger and Freedom in the Anti-drug War Movement, 16. Husserlian Horizons: Moods in Yap, 17. Ibn Rushd / Averroes in Mexico City's Kiosko Morisco, 18. Jabes amongst Songhay Sorcerers, 19. James and Radical Empiricism in Rural Indonesia, 20. Kopenawa and the Environmental Sciences in the Amazon, 21. Kristeva, Anorexia and the Hunger of Abjection, 22. Merleau-Ponty among the Charismatics and Peyotists, 23. Peirce among the Muslim Saints' Graves in Java, 24. Sontag and the Image Machine in Iran, 25. Stengers Meets an Andean Mountain That Is Not Only Such, 26. Waldenfels among Spirits and Saints in Morocco, 27. Wittgenstein among the Santeros: Finding my Feet with Tomas.
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empirical studies;case studies;anthropological theory;ethnography;Western philosophy;Young Man;Violates;Vice Versa;Follow;UN;Dense;Persona;Good Life;Davi Kopenawa;LRA War;Face To Face;Musa Dagh;Ibn Rushd;Existential Philosophy;Extraterrestrials;Peyote Songs;Wo;Confers;Disengaged;Kindred;Mindfulness Revolution;Indigenous Cosmopolitics;Homo Sacer;Anti-drug War;Catholic Charismatic Renewal