Pharaoh: art and power in ancient Egypt

Pharaoh: art and power in ancient Egypt

Vandenbeusch, Marie

British Museum Press






15 a 20 dias

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Introduction - The time of the Pharaohs (Marie Vandenbeusch)
In focus: The British Museum collection (Marie Vandenbeusch)
1. Pharaoh and gods in myths (Margaret Maitland)
In focus: Maat and the cosmic balance (Ikram Ghabriel)
Symbols of power (Marcel Maree)
In focus: Female Pharaohs (Chiara Salvador)
2. Pharaoh as High Priest (Marie Vandenbeusch)
In focus: Statues of the lion goddess Sekhmet (Marcel Maree)
In focus: Statue caches (Neal Spencer)
3. The royal family: queens, princes and princesses (Amanda Dunsmore)
In focus: Royal palaces (Anna Stevens)
In focus: Women in power - the Divine Adoratrices (Giuseppina Lenzo)
4. Ruling Egypt (Marie Vandenbeusch)
In focus: People, the example of Deir el-Medina (Amanda Dunsmore)
In focus: The mastaba of Urirenptah (Marie Vandenbeusch)
Ancient Egyptian jewellery (Aurelia Masson-Berghoff)
5. Egypt and the world (Marie Vandenbeusch)
In focus: Foreign pharaohs (Andrew Connor)
The world and Egypt (Julie Anderson and Thomas Kiely)
In focus: The Levant and beyond (Marie Vandenbeusch)
6. An eternal life (Marie Vandenbeusch)
In focus: Royal mummification (Sahar Saleem)
The posthumous life of kings (John Taylor)
Inheriting roles (Youssef Rakha)
Notes and selected reading
Acknowledgements, picture credits, index
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