Peak Mind

Peak Mind

Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day

Jha, Amishi

Little, Brown Book Group






15 a 20 dias


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mindfulness; attention; focus; productivity; stress; distractions; high pressure situations; new science of attention; deep work; how to focus; how to manage your attention; how to concentrate better; how to be more present; how to focus; how to concentrate; avoid distraction; manage your attention; deep work Cal Newport; Mindfulness Mark Williams; Jon Kabat-Zinn Full Catastrophe Living; practical non-fiction; easy guide to mindfulness practice; work habits; productivity; being more present; stop missing your life; technology addiction; time management; how to be more productive; increase your focus and concentration; avoid manage distractions; personal success books; business books; high performance; time management; smart thinking books; work life balance; easy mindfulness exercises; brain training; train your brain; sharpen your focus; university of Miami; neauroscience; Mindset Carol Dweck; neuroscientist