Orwell's Roses

Orwell's Roses

Solnit, Rebecca

Granta Books






15 a 20 dias


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Best books about George Orwell; Best biography of George Orwell; best literary biographies; best nature writing; best political writing; best gardening books; Men Explain Things To Me; Nineteen Eighty-Four; 1984; Animal Farm; Down and Out in Paris and London; Burmese Days; Keep the Aspidistra Flying; Homage to Catalonia; The Road to Wigan Pier; Coming Up For Air; books about Stalin; Wanderlust; Hope in the Dark; Claire Tomalin; Jenny Uglow; The Invention of Angela Carter; Angela Carter biography; Edmund Gordon; Speak, Silence; WG Sebald biography; Carole Angier; The Adventures of Miss Barbara Pym; David Graeber; The Dawn of Everything; David Wengrow; Bullshit Jobs; Mary Beard; SPQR; Women and Power; Angela Davies; Abolition Feminism Now; Women Race and Class; Steven Pinker; Enlightenment Now; The Better Angels of Our Nature; Deborah Levy; The Cost of Living; Real Estate