Nuclear Theory in the Age of Multimessenger Astronomy

Nuclear Theory in the Age of Multimessenger Astronomy

Lovato, Alessandro; Maselli, Andrea; Benhar, Omar; Pannarale, Francesco

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Chapter 1: Astronomical Constraints on Composition and Dynamics of Neutron-Star Matter. Chapter 2: Measuring Neutron Star Mass and Radius Using Pulse Profile Modelling - NICER and Beyond. Chapter 3: Multimessenger Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State Microphysics. Chapter 4: Neutron Stars and Multi-Messenger Observations: a Challenge for Nuclear Physics Theory. Chapter 5: Relativistic Description of the Neutron Star Equation of State. Chapter 6: Inference of Microscopic Nuclear Interactions and the EOS. Chapter 7: Quark-Hadron Crossover in Neutron Stars. Chapter 8: Bulk Viscosity in Dense Nuclear Matter. Chapter 9: Neutron Star Asteroseismology: Beyond the Mass-Radius Curve. Chapter 10: Probing the Equation of State Through Binary Neutron Star Mergers.
quarks;neutron stars;nuclear dynamics;gravitational waves;dense matter;particle physics;nuclear physics