Multimodal Literacy in Education:

Multimodal Literacy in Education:

Perspectives from Global Practices

Newerkla, Stefan Michael; Komninos, Nickolas; Starc, Sonja

Peter Lang AG





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Table of Contents


Chapter 1. From Literacy to Multiliteracies: Engaging with Multimodal Texts in Singapore Schools

Chapter 2. Six stage migration frame

Chapter 3. Student agency in the creation of multimodal texts at the Ancient Agora of Athens: a political project

Chapter 4. Premislek o rabi pretezno slikovnih izraznih sredstev v osnovnosolskih uebenikih za slovenseino / Rethinking the use of predominantly pictorial semiotic sources in the primary school textbooks for Slovene language

Chapter 5. Introducing Students to Multimodality and Genre: A Diamesic and Diachronic Approach

Chapter 6. Applying CFRIDiL guidelines to create a digital poster in a primary school context

Chapter 7. Audio description as an effective learning tool in the L1 and L2 language class: Theory and applications in primary school settings

Chapter 8. Adapted Picturebook Aiding Reading Development in Special Needs Children /Prilagojena slikanica kot pomoe pri ueenju branja otrok s posebnimi potrebami

Chapter 9. One Text, Two Picturebooks

Chapter 10. Veliki plan obraza in njegove literarne paralele: primer romana/filma Ko zorijo jagode / The Close-up and its Literary Parallels. The Case of the Novel/Film Ko zorijo jagode
Agency; Audio Description; CFRIDiL; computation linguistics; Content analysis; Design-based Research; Easy reading; Education; Genre analysis; Global; Komninos; Literacy; Literacy; Michael; Multiliteracies; Multimodal; Multimodality; Newerkla; Nickolas; pedagogical research; Perspectives; Picture books; Practices; Schemata activation; Schools; Sonja; Starc; Stefan; Texts