Measuring and Modeling Persons and Situations

Measuring and Modeling Persons and Situations

Read, Stephen J.; Harms, P.D.; Wood, Dustin; Slaughter, Andrew

Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Dustin Wood

1. A role for information theory in personality modeling, assessment, and judgment

David M. Condon and Rene Mottus

2. What falls outside of the Big Five? Darkness, derailers, and beyond

P.D. Harms and Ryne Sherman

3. Semantic and ontological structures of psychological attributes

Jan Ketil Arnulf and Kai Larsen

4. Ubiquitous Computing for Person-Environment Research: Opportunities, Considerations, & Future Directions

Sumer S. Vaid, Saeed Abdullah, Edison Thomaz and Gabriella Harari

5. Modeling the mind: Assessment of if...then... profiles as a window to shared and idiosyncratic psychological processes

Vivian Zayas, Randy T. Lee and Yuichi Shoda

6. Psychological Targeting in the Age of Big Data

Ruth Elisabeth Appel and Sandra Matz

7. Virtual Environments for the Representative Assessment of Personality: VE-RAP

Lynn Carol Miller, David C. Jeong and John Christensen

8. Improving measurement of individual differences using social networks

Andrew J. Slaughter and Janie Yu

9. Situational Judgment Tests: From Low-fidelity Simulations to Alternative Measures of Personality and the Person-Situation Interplay

Filip Lievens, Philipp Schaepers and Christoph Nils Herde

10. Intra-Individual Variability in Personality: A Methodological Review

Alisha Marie Ness, Kira Foley and Eric Heggestad

11. Modeling the dynamics of action

Ashley D. Brown and William Revelle

12. Conceptualizing and measuring the implicit personality

Amanda Moeller, Ben Johnson, Ken Levy and James LeBreton

13. Conceptualizing and measuring the psychological situation

John Rauthmann

14. Network Approaches to Representing and Understanding Psychological Dynamics

Emorie D. Beck and Joshua Jackson

15. Neural Network Models of Personality Structure and Dynamics

Stephen J. Read

16. Interdependence approaches to the person and situation

Fabiola Heike Gerpott, Isabel Thielman and Daniel Balliet

17. Formally Representing How Psychological Processes Shape Actions and One Another Using Functional Fields

Dustin Wood

18. Integrating Cybernetic Big Five Theory with the Free Energy Principle: A new strategy for modeling personalities as complex systems

Adam Safron and Colin DeYoung


Nutchanon Yongsatianchot and Stacy Marsella

20. An economic approach to modelling personality

Lex Borghans and Trudie Schils
personality; assessment; situation; place; environment; machine learning; natural language selection; artificial intelligence; computational modeling; big data; neural network models