Lyuke wmer ra

Lyuke wmer ra

Indo-European Studies in Honor of Georges-Jean Pinault

Malzahn, Melanie; Fellner, Hannes A.; Peyrot, Michael

Beech Stave Press Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Bibliography of Georges-Jean Pinault
List of Contributors
Douglas Q. Adams, The dual endings of the verb in Tocharian B and their Proto-Indo-European background
Emilie Aussant, The Vyakaran >> . ic descriptive model and the French grammars of Sanskrit
Nalini Balbir, A propos d'un lapidaire prakrit Alain Blanc, L'histoire compliquee de l'adjectif grec c????O?
Vaclav Blaek, A hypothetical Tocharian contribution to Chinese astronomical terminology
Joel P. Brereton, How the Gayatr >> >>? became the Gayatr Gerd Carling, Flat mirror or well-shaped disc? Tocharian A tapaki >> (B tapakye >> ) and A mukaer* .dam
Alvah Catt, A newly identified Tocharian fragment of the Tridan. d. isutra
Ching Chao-jung, He sat down on the grass under a Nyagrodha tree: On the Kuchean word atiyo* ? atiya* in Kumtura mural painting captions
Eric Dieu, Accentuation recessive et accentuation columnale en grec ancien, avec quelques considerations sur la loi de limitation
Hannes A. Fellner, Polar life in the Tarim Basin
Jose Luis Garcia Ramon, The development of the labiovelars in Greek: Sound change, areal diffusion, and the myth of the three phases Romain Garnier, The PIE word for 'name'
Laura Grestenberger, The in-group: Indo-Iranian in-stems and their Indo-European relatives
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Dieter Maue, and Fang Wang, Der neugeborene Bodhisattva besucht das S?akya-Heiligtum: Zu den Bildern und der Treppenhoehle von Kizil
Athanaric Huard, "pattitrukalle kari?skenta waerpanamane" ou comment honorer un moine tokharien
Stephanie W. Jamison, False segmentations and resegmentations in the Rigveda: Gemination and degemination
Jay H. Jasanoff, Pre-Toch. *h1 ludh -neu-ti 'goes out'
Ronald I. Kim, Remarks on linguistic variation and change in Tocharian A
Jared S. Klein, The Old Church Slavic background of Russian a Bernhard Koller, Question particles and the left periphery within Tocharian syntax
Frederik Kortlandt, Tocharian B ste, star 'is', skente, skentar 'are'
Jens Peter Laut and Ablet Semet, Neues zum ??. Kapitel des altuigurischen Maitreyasamiti-Sutra (Maitrisimit nom bitig)
Claire Le Feuvre, Vedique vadhri-, v ? r?s . an-, dharu >> -, grec *????, Y????/???? et ?A???: Conversion et derivation
Alexander Lubotsky and Alwin Kloekhorst, Indo-Aryan a)u? artanna in the Kikkuli treatise
Melanie Malzahn, Back to an old, but not decrepit explanation of Homeric Greek ?"??>>
Vincent Martzloff, Vestiges du participe parfait en *-wos-/-us- en latin et dans les langues sabelliques?
Audrey Mathys, Participes presents, noms d'agents et langue poetique dans Beowulf
H. Craig Melchert, Hittite neuter i-stems.
Alan J. Nussbaum, Persephonology and Persemorphology: ??????O??/?????????? etc. 'Sheaf Thresher' reanalyzed
Norbert Oettinger, Die Bedeutung von vedisch ?svanc
Hirotoshi Ogihara, Agama texts transmitted to Kuchean Buddhism
Birgit Anette Olsen, Latin -ll- and gemination by laryngeal
Daniel Petit, On the secondary cases of Baltic and Tocharian
Michael Peyrot, On a festive occasion: The inflection of Tocharian B eks . alye and morphologically related words
Elisabeth Rieken, Anatolische Fruchtbarkeit, urindogermanische Maenner und die Wurzel *men- 'hervorragen'
Nicholas Sims-Williams, Chotano-Sogdica III: Old Khotanese u, -u, -u
Carmen Spiers, La malediction de l'observateur (upadras. t . ar-) dans l'Atharvaveda
Brent Vine, biass biitam, valetudinem vitam: On alliteration in Italic curse texts
Michael Weiss, Barley in Anatolian, Tocharian, and elsewhere: A fine-grained analysis
Jens Wilkens and Hans Nugteren, Notes on Old Uyghur lexicography and etymology
Kazuhiko Yoshida, The Hittite pl. preterites in -ar revisited
Peter Zieme, Das letzte Blatt der Saengimer Einleitung zum Maitrisimit nom bitig und ein tocharisches Wort
Stefan Zimmer, Le suffixe gaulois *->>eto- Index Verborum
Index Verborum
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Tocharian; Sanskrit; Greek; Uyghur; Buddhist and Silk Road studies; ancient and medieval western Eurasia.