Key Documents on the Reform of the UN Security Council 1991-2019

Key Documents on the Reform of the UN Security Council 1991-2019

Fassbender, Bardo







15 a 20 dias


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1 Introduction

?1.1 This collection of "Key Documents": What it is, and how it is organized

?1.2 Landmarks in the history of the Security Council reform debate

2 Earlier reform discussions: From the late 1940s to the start of formal discussions of Security Council reform in 1992

3 "The most productive time": Discussions in the Open-ended Working Group from 1992 to the Razali proposal of 1997

?3.1?Statements by UN organs and officials ...

?3.2?Statements by member states regarding the composition of the Security Council

?3.3?Statements by member states regarding the size of a reformed Security Council

?3.4?Statements by member states regarding the right of veto

?3.5?Proposals by academics and civil society

4 Momentum and deadlock: Discussions in the Open-ended Working Group after the Razali proposal, 1998-2008

?4.1?Statements by UN organs and officials and Framework Documents

?4.2?Statements by member states regarding the composition of the Security Council

?4.3?Statements by member states regarding the size of a reformed Security Council

?4.4?Statements by member states regarding the right of veto

?4.5?Proposals by academics and civil society

5 On a road to nowhere? The Intergovernmental Negotiations, 2009-2019

?5.1?Statements by UN organs and officials, Framework Documents, Elements of Convergence, and Elements of Commonality

?5.2?Statements by member states regarding the composition of the Security Council

?5.3?Statements by member states regarding the size of a reformed Security Council

?5.4?Statements by member states regarding the right of veto

?5.5?Proposals by academics and civil society

Annex I: Summary of group positions

Annex II: Summary of country positions

Annex III: Table of group positions

Annex IV: Table of country positions

Annex V: List of statements made by groups of states

Annex VI: List of statements made by states

Annex VII: Alphabetical list of the authors of academic and civil society proposals

Annex VIII: Select Bibliography