Japan on the Jesuit Stage

Japan on the Jesuit Stage

Transmissions, Receptions, and Regional Contexts

Oba, Haruka; Schaffenrath, Florian; Watanabe, Akihiko







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures

Part 1: Preliminaries


?Maria Maciejewska, Haruka Oba, Florian Schaffenrath and Akihiko Watanabe

1 Found in Translation: The Jesuit Japan Letters as a Source of Early Modern European Images of Japan

?Patrick Reinhart Schwemmer

2 Christianomachia Iaponensis: The Japanese Martyr on Stage

?Mirjam Doepfert

Part 2: Geographical Overviews

3 Japanese Martyrs in French Jesuit Drama (Late Seventeenth-Early Eighteenth Century): Between Violence and Bienseance

?Hitomi Omata Rappo

4 Titus Iapon on the Jesuit Stage in the Provincia Flandro-Belgica: Neo-Latin Intertextuality and the Economics of Jesuit Drama

?Nicholas De Sutter and Goran Proot

5 Japan and the Japanese in Jesuit School Plays from the Bohemian Province of the Society of Jesus

?Katerina Bobkova-Valentova and Magdalena Jackova

6 Traces of Japan in Croatian Latin School Drama, 1600-1800

?Nina Cengic and Neven Jovanovic

7 Not Only Titus the Japanese: Japan and the Japanese on the Jesuit Stage in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

?Monika Miazek-Meczynska

8 Early Christian Japanese Sources of Jesuit Theater in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

?Justyna Lukaszewska-Haberkowa

Part 3: Case Studies

9 Majesty and Silence: An Honorable, Bald Old Man Named Japan

?Margarida Miranda

10 The Development of Jesuit Drama on Japan in Bavaria: The Historical Context of the Play Victor, Staged in Munich in 1665

?Haruka Oba

11 The Japanese Senex Iratus: The Munich Victor Play

?Akihiko Watanabe