Iranian / Persianate Subalterns in the Safavid Period: Their Role and Depiction

Iranian / Persianate Subalterns in the Safavid Period: Their Role and Depiction

Revovering Lost Voices

Newman, Andrew J.

Gerlach Press






15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.

1 Liberating the "Turkoman Prisoner": An Assessment of Bound Captives in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Persianate Works on Paper
Jaimee K. Comstock-Skipp

2 Agency and Fatalism in the Judeo-Persian Kitab-i sar guzasht-i Kashan
Alberto Tiburcio

3 The Qizilbash in Anatolia after the 1630s: Sidelined and Estranged
Selim Gungoerurler

4 The Safavid Foundation Myth in the Subaltern Imagination
Barry Wood

5 The Muharram Subaltern in the Safavid Period: "Thin Description" and the Limits of European Travel Accounts
Babak Rahimi

6 The 'Visible Voice' or 'Vocal Visibility' of the Subalterns in Persianate Painting: The Safavid and Mughal Cases
Valerie Gonzalez

7 A Subaltern Hero: The 1573 Execution of Sheikh Hamza Bali as Part of the 'Sunnitisation' of the Ottoman Empire
Ines Asceric-Todd

8 Voices of the Caucasians at the Safavid Court: Life and Activities of Parsadan Gorgijanidze
Hirotake Maeda

About the Contributors
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Middle Eastern Studies, Iranian/Persian Studies, Islamic Art, Social History, Subaltern Studies, urban and rural underclasses, non-elites, elite Persian diplomatic materials, Sunni, Shi`I, Sufi, Persianate history, Qizilbash in Anatolia, Muharram, Mughal, Sheikh Hamza Bali, Ottoman Empire, Parsadan Gorgijanidze