Investigating STEM With Infants and Toddlers (Birth-3)

Investigating STEM With Infants and Toddlers (Birth-3)

Meeteren, Beth Dykstra Van; Peterson, Sherri

Teachers' College Press






15 a 20 dias

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Inquiry Learning, STEM and infants and toddlers; Infant-toddler curriculum; Inquiry teaching and early childhood; Infant-toddler learning experiences; Spatial understanding for infants and toddlers; birth to age three learning; science learning and infants; toddlers and STEM learning; Constructivist education; teaching infants and toddlers; teaching preschool STEM; teaching day care STEM; science learning and toddlers; teacher practice young children and STEM; teaching prek STEM; teaching pre-K STEM; Early childhood curriculum; day care curriculum; family childcare and STEM