Introduction to Sport Law With Case Studies in Sport Law

Introduction to Sport Law With Case Studies in Sport Law

Anderson, Paul M.; Connaughton, Daniel P.; Spengler, John O.; Baker, Thomas A.

Human Kinetics Publishers






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. U.S. Legal System
Sources of U.S. Law
Types of U.S. Law
U.S. Court System
Legal Resources
Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Tort Law and Product Liability
Intentional Torts
Product Liability
Learning Aids

Chapter 3. Risk Management
Perspectives on Approaching Risk Management
Loss Prevention and Risk Management
Risk Management Process
Maintaining and Providing Proper Equipment and Premises
Instruction and Supervision
Risk Management Applications
Learning Aids

Chapter 4. Agency Law
Sport Agents
Concepts in Agency Law
Regulation of Athlete Agents
Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) and Agents
Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Contract Law
Basics of Contract Law
Sport Contracts
Contract Law Issues
Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Employment Law
Employment Relationship
Sexual Harassment
Federal Employment Laws
Learning Aids

Chapter 7. Constitutional Law
First Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Gender Equity
Title IX
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Orientation
Employment Discrimination
Learning Aids

Chapter 9. Intellectual Property Law
Trademark Law
Copyright Law
Right of Publicity
Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Rights
Patent Law
Ambush Marketing
Learning Aids

Chapter 10. Antitrust Law
Federal Antitrust Laws
Application to Professional Team Sports
Application to Individual Performer Sports
Application to College Sports
Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Labor Law
Development of Labor Law in the United States
Unionization of American Professional Sports Teams
Right to Bargain Collectively
Right to Engage in Concerted Activities
Prohibited Conduct Under the NLRA: Unfair Labor Practices
Learning Aids
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Sport management; sport law; legal issues sport; sports law cases; NIL; liability; risk management