International Conflict and Security Law

International Conflict and Security Law

A Research Handbook

Quenivet, Noelle; Atadjanov, Rustam; Sayapin, Sergey; Kadam, Umesh; Kemp, Gerhard; Zambrana-Tevar, Nicolas

T.M.C. Asser Press






15 a 20 dias


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Part I. Protected Values.- Chapter 1. Humanity.- Chapter 2. Self-determination of Peoples.- Chapter 3. International Rule of Law.- Chapter 4. The Common Heritage of Mankind.- Chapter 5. Human Rights: Between Universalism and Relativism.- Part II. Law.- Chapter 6. The Use of Force in International Law.- Chapter 7. The UN Security Council: from Preserving State Sovereignty to Protecting Humanity.- Chapter 8. UN Security Council Sanctions and International Peace and Secutiry: Context, Controversies and (Legal) Challenges.- Chapter 9. Peace(keeping) Operations: Soldiers without Enemies? .- Chapter 10. The Status of Forces Agreements.- Chapter 11. International Human Rights Law.- Chapter 12. Direct Participation in Hostilities.- Chapter 13. The Conduct of Hostilities.- Chapter 14. Chemical Weapons.- Chapter 15. Nuclear Weapons.- Chapter 16. Blinding Laser Weapons.- Chapter 17. Fuel Air Explosive Weapons .- Chapter 18. Current Issues of The Hague Law .- Chapter 19. Military Space Operations.- Chapter 20. The Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources in Armed Conflict.- Chapter 21. The Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict and Occupation.- Chapter 22. Transnational and International Criminal Law.- Chapter 23. International Anti-Corruption Law.- Chapter 24. The Due Diligence Obligations of International Organisations Engaged in Disaster Management.- Part III: Institutions.- Chapter 25. Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).- Chapter 26. European Union (EU): Security, Conflict and Migration.- Chapter 27. Association of East Asian Nations (ASEAN).- Chapter 28. Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO).- Chapter 29. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).- Chapter 30. Other "Hybrid" Tribunals.- Chapter 31. Post-Conflict Justice Mechanisms.- Chapter 32. INTERPOL.- Chapter 33. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).- Chapter 34. United Nations International Children'sEmergency Fund (UNICEF).- Chapter 35. World Health Organisation (WHO).- Chapter 36. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).- Chapter 37. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.- Chapter 38. Human Rights and Humanitarian NGOs.- Part IV. Challenges.- Chapter 39. Climate Change and Armed Conflict.- Chapter 40. Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking as a Threat to International Peace and Security.- Chapter. 41. The Use of Force in Pursuance of the Right to Self-Determination.- Chapter 42. The African Region?s Pushback against Mercenaries.- Chapter 43. International Humanitarian Protection to Disabled and Elderly People in Armed Conflict Zones. Chapter 44. The Politics of International Justice.- Chapter 45. Poverty.- Part V. Crimes.- Chapter 46. Genocide.- Chapter 47. Crimes against Humanity.- Chapter 48. The Crime of Apartheid.-Chapter 49. War Crimes.- Chapter 50. The Crime of Aggression: The Fall of the Supreme International Crime?.- Chapter 51. Military Ecocide.- Chapter 52. Religious Extremism.- Chapter 53. Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking.- Chapter 54. Organised Crime.- Part VI. Case Studies.- Chapter 55. Cambodia.- Chapter 56. Myanmar.- Chapter 57. Northern Cyprus.- Chapter 58. Former Yugoslavia.- Chapter 59. Northern Ireland: The Right to Life, Victim Mobilisation, and the Legacy of Conflict.- Chapter 60. The "War on Terror".- Chapter 61.Jihad Misplaced for Terrorism: An Overview of the Boko Haram Crisis from Islamic and International Humanitarian Law Perspectives.- Chapter 62. Accountability of Religious Actors for CConflicts Motivated by Religion.- Chapter 63. The Children vs The Church: Human Rights and the Holy See in the Sex Abuse Crisis.- Chapter 64. The Role of International Law in the Prevention and Resolution of Possible Conflicts over Water in Central Asia: A Comparative Study with Special Reference to the European Union (EU).

Conflict and security;International humanitarian law;International criminal law;United Nations;Environment;Weapons;International institutions;International human rights law;International refugee law;Use of force