Instant Insights: Poultry Housing Systems

Instant Insights: Poultry Housing Systems

De Jong, Dr Ingrid; Estevez, Prof Inma; Sandilands, Dr Victoria; Schrader, Prof Lars; Jones, Professor Deana; van Emous, Dr Rick; Newberry, Ruth C.; Malchow, Dr Julia

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Welfare issues in poultry housing and management: laying hens: Victoria Sandilands, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), UK;
1 Introduction 2 Conventional cages 3 Enriched cages 4 Cage-free housing 5 Conclusion 6 Where to look for further information 7 References
Chapter 2 - The effects of laying hen housing systems on egg safety and quality: Deana R. Jones, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, USA; 1 Introduction 2 Indicator organisms in monitoring egg safety 3 Salmonella spp. 4 Other pathogens and chemical contaminants 5 Egg quality 6 Summary 7 Future trends in research 8 References
Chapter 3 - Broiler breeding flocks: management and animal welfare: Ingrid C. de Jong and Rick A. van Emous, Wageningen Livestock Research, The Netherlands; 1 Introduction 2 Housing conditions and management in the rearing period 3 Housing conditions and management in the production period 4 Welfare issues: restricted feeding and water restriction 5 Welfare issues: excisions, mating behaviour and quality of feather cover 6 Environmental enrichment 7 Vaccinations 8 Transgenerational effects 9 Concluding remarks 10 Where to look for further information 11 References
Chapter 4 - The contribution of environmental enrichment to sustainable poultry production: Inma Estevez, Neiker-Tecnalia and Ikerbasque (The Basque Foundation for Science), Spain ; and Ruth C. Newberry , Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway; 1 Introduction 2 Structural complexity: an introduction 3 Structural complexity: cover panels 4 Structural complexity: perches, barriers and ramps 5 Other benefits of structural complexity 6 Visual enrichment through lighting 7 Foraging enrichments 8 Comfort behaviour enrichments 9 Enrichment and use of outdoor areas 10 Discussion 11 Conclusions 12 References
Chapter 5 - The role of perches in chicken welfare: Lars Schrader and Julia Malchow, Institute of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry - Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany; 1 Introduction 2 Why do chickens perch? 3 Ontogeny of perching 4 Anatomic prerequisites for perching 5 Properties of perches: the chicken's view 6 Elevated structures in pullet and layer housing 7 Elevated structures in broiler housing 8 Conclusions 9 Future trends in research 10 References
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non cage systems;keel bone;multi-tier;Campylobacter;Listeria;Salmonella;chemical contamination;conventional cage systems;egg microbiology;egg shell quality;free range production systems;hen well-being;indicator organisms;laying hen housing systems;broiler breeder;feed restriction;poultry management;poultry mating behaviour;chicken rearing;transgenerational effects;Environmental enrichment;environmental complexity;poultry welfare;poultry health;poultry stress resilience;elevated structures;perches;hens