Instant Insights: Developing Immunity in Pigs

Instant Insights: Developing Immunity in Pigs

Devriendt, Prof Bert; Hough, Sara D.; Bailey, Prof. Mick; Almond, Professor Glen; Porter, Emily; Luise, Dr D.; Francis, Ore; Bosi, Dr P.; Trevisi, Dr P.

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Advances in understanding gut function and immunity in pigs: Bert Devriendt, Ghent University, Belgium; 1 Introduction2 Architecture of the intestine3 The intestinal epithelium control of gut immunity4 The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues5 The role of the gut microbiota in shaping gut function and immunity6 Intestinal organoids as novel tools to explore the function of the gut7 Conclusions and outlook8 References
Chapter 2 - The influence of gut microbiome on developing immune and metabolic systems in the young pig: Mick Bailey, Emily Porter and Ore Francis, University of Bristol, UK; 1 Introduction2 The mucosal immune system3 Experimental studies of the links between the immune system and microbiota4 The microbiome and metabolism5 Conclusion6 Where to look for further information7 References
Chapter 3 - Nutritional strategies to boost immune function in pigs: Glen W. Almond, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA and Sara D. Hough, DSM Nutritional Products, Parsippany, NJ, USA; 1 Introduction2 How does immune challenge affect pig growth?3 Pregnancy, lactation and pre-weaned piglets4 Proteins and amino acids5 Lipids and fatty acids6 Glucans and carbohydrates7 Minerals8 Vitamins9 Nonnutritive feed additives10 Summary and future directions11 Where to find additional information12 References
Chapter 4 - Improving gut function in pigs to prevent pathogen colonization: P. Bosi, D. Luise and P. Trevisi, University of Bologna, Italy; 1 Introduction2 The main gut-related pathogens in pigs3 Pig genetics and resistance to disease4 Management strategies affecting gut functionality and pathogen colonization5 Dietary strategies to improve gut functionality and prevent pathogen colonization: feed size6 Dietary strategies to improve gut functionality and prevent pathogen colonization: protein and dietary fibre7 Dietary strategies to improve gut functionality and prevent pathogen colonization: dietary nitrate, organic and amino acids8 Dietary interventions for pathogen-specific defence9 Future trends and conclusion10 Where to look for further information11 References
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gut health;gut immunity;microbiota;gut organoids;Enteric health;pig Immune system;Microbiome;Pig metabolism;Pigs;nutrients;pig growth;enteropathogens;gut homeostasis;disease resistance;dietary strategies