Industrial Tomography

Industrial Tomography

Systems and Applications

Wang, Mi

Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Part I: Tomographic Modalities 1. Electrical Capacitance Tomography 2. Electrical Impedance Tomography 3. Electromagnetic Induction Tomography 4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 5. Chemical Species Tomography 6. X-ray Computed Tomography 7. Radioisotope Tracer Techniques 8. Ultrasound Tomography 9. Spectro-Tomography 10. Electron Tomography

Part II: Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Data Fusion 11. Mathematical Concepts for Image Reconstruction in Tomography 12. Direct Methods for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography 13. Machine Learning Process Information from Tomography Data 14. Advanced Electrical Tomography Visualization

Part III: Tomography Applications 15. Electrical Resistance Tomography Applications to Chemical Engineering 16. Examples of Applications in Industry 17. Applications of Tomography in Oil-Gas Industry: Part 1 18. Applications of Tomography in Oil-Gas Industry: Part 2 19. Applications of Tomography in Multiphase Transportation 20. Slurry Flow Characterization with ERT 21. Applications of Tomography in Microreactors 22. X-ray Tomography of Fluidized Beds 23. Applications of Tomography in Bubble Column and Trickle Bed Reactors 24. Applications of Tomography in Mixing Process 25. Applications of Capacitance Tomography in Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Systems 26. Applications of AI and Possibilities for Process Control 27. Diverse Tomography Applications
3D Cell spheroid imaging; 3D printing; Acoustic tomography; Acoustics; Additive manufacturing; Advanced visualization technologies; Algebraic reconstruction technique (ART)Computer tomography; Application purpose; Artificial intelligence; Artificial neural networks; Bubble column reactors; Bubbles; Capacitance sensor; Capacitance tomography; Chemical engineering; Chemical; Compressed sensing; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)Fixed bed reactors; Computational fluid dynamics; Concentration; Concrete defect detection; Conductivity; Cone-beam tomography; Cross-well electromagnetic tomography; Data acquisition; Data conversion.Electrode-electrolyte interface modeling; Diffraction tomography; Digital manufacturing; Direct algorithm; Direct back-projection; Dirichlet; Diversity of tomography application; Dredging; Dynamic algorithms; Eddy current; Electrical capacitance tomography; Electrical capacitance volume tomography; Electrical capacitance/impedance tomography (ECT/EIT)Flow regime; Electrical resistance tomography (ERT)Process media; Electrical Resistance Tomography; Electrical tomography; Electrical Tomography; Electromagnetic; Electron beam tomography; Electron energy loss spectroscopy; Electron tomography; Electronics; Energy dispersive spectroscopy; Exploration and production; Fabrics pressure mapping; Fast tomography; Filtered back-projection; Flow imaging; Flow measurement; Flow velocity profile; Fluidized bed column (FBC)Machine learning; Fluidized bed reactor; FMCG; Fourier diffraction theorem; Gradient-based algorithms; Grain storage temperature; Hand gesture recognition; Hydraulic transport; Image fusion; Image reconstruction; Image resolution; Industrial imaging; In-line instrumentation; Inverse; Linear algorithms; Machine learning; Magnetic induction; Magnetic resonance imaging; Mathematics; Measurement; Microchannel; Microfluidics; Microreactor; Model free adaptive control (MFAC)Multiphase flow; MRI; Multidimensional data fusion; Multidimensional sensing; Multimodality electrical tomography; Multimodality tomography; Multiphase flow monitoring and measurement; Multiphase flow tomography; Multiphase flow visualization; Multiphase flow; Multiphase transportations; Multisensor Fusion; Nanotechnology; Neumann-to-dirichlet map; Neural networks; Nuclear waste processing; Oil-gas; Optics; Packed column monitoring; Permeability; Pressurized water reactors; Process control; Process industries; Process instrumentation; Process modeling; Process monitoring; Process safety; Process tomography; Radioactive; Radioisotope imaging; Reservoir characterization; Resistance tomography; Rheology measurement; Rheology; Seismic tomography; Sensing; Sensor data fusion; Single light field imaging; Slurry flow pattern; Slurry measurement; Slurry visualization; Solid-liquid flow; Solids axial velocity; Solids volume fraction; Species; Spectroscopic tomography; Spectroscopy; Stratified slurry flow; Swirlflow; Temperature; Three-phase flow; Time update equations; Time-spatial cross-correlation; Tomography; Tracers; Transmission electron microscopy; Transmission tomography; Tree decay detection; Trickle bed reactors; Two-phase flow; Ultrasound; Unit operation; Velocimetry; Velocity component; Wavelet spectral segmentation; Wide-band excitation; X-ray detectors; X-ray imaging; X-ray sources; X-ray tomography