Incomprehensible Certainty

Incomprehensible Certainty

Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image

Pfau, Thomas

University of Notre Dame Press






15 a 20 dias

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Introduction: Writing the Image: Reading - Reflection - Argument

PART I - Image-Theory as Metaphysics and Theology: the Emergence of a Tradition

1. A Brief Metaphysics of the Image: Plato - Plotinus

2. Theology and Phenomenology of the Byzantine Icon

3. The Eschatological Image: Augustine - Bonaventure - Julian of Norwich

4. The Speculative Image: Platonism and Mysticism in Nicholas of Cusa

PART II - The Image in the Era of Naturalism and the Persistence of Metaphysics

5. The Symbolic Image: Visualizing the Metamorphosis of Being in Goethe

6. The Forensic Image: Paradoxes of Realism in Lyell, Darwin, and Ruskin

7. The Sacramental Image: G. M. Hopkins

8. The Epiphanic Image: Husserl - Cezanne - Rilke

Epilogue & Conclusions
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literature; theological aesthetics; art history; ethics; visual studies; visual rhetoric; iconoclasm; Catholic intellectual tradition; Platonism; modernism; eschatology; speculative dialectics; philosophy; apophasis; catophasis; Neoplatonism; images; theology; Plotinus; pseudo-Dionysius; John Damascene; Bernard of Clairvaux; Bonaventure; Julian of Norwich; Nicholas of Cusa; Goethe; Ruskin; Turner; Hopkins; Cezanne