In the Spirit of Wetlands

In the Spirit of Wetlands

Reviving Habitat in the Illinois River Watershed

Howard, Clare; Zalaznik, David

University of Illinois Press






15 a 20 dias

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wetlands; swamps; environmentalism; wetland restoration; farming; agriculture; floods; climate change; agricultural chemicals; chemical drift; toxins; dead zone; hypoxic zone; clean water; field tiling; water runoff; hydrology; ecology; deep-rooted perennials; ecological restoration; green infrastructure; bioswales; rain gardens; Illinois River; Ramsar Sites; Ramsar Convention; prairie grasses; Native Americans; ducks; Goldeneye; Wetland Mitigation Bank Credits; Riverine National Park System; stormwater; combined sewer overflow; land restoration; eutierria; nutrient farming; nutrient runoff; seventh generation thinking; Conservation Reserve Program; sustainable agriculture; Audubon; birding; ornithology